kpreisser / MouseClickSimulator

Mouse Click Simulator for Toontown Rewritten and Corporate Clash
MIT License
24 stars 17 forks source link

Not Working #51

Open selenaxbeanie opened 1 year ago

selenaxbeanie commented 1 year ago

On one computer it doesn't detect toontown and on the other it doesn't do anything when you press start. I just built it on the second one.

kpreisser commented 1 year ago

Hi, What exact error message is displayed on the computer where it doesn't detect Toontown? Which game variant (TT Rewritten, Corporate Clash) are you running?

On the other machine, do you mean that the simulator appears to have started (by graying-out the Start button and by highlighting the currently executed action in blue), but doesn't simulate mouse clicks/keys being pressed in the Toontown windows? Did you set the checkbox "Use Background Mode"?


witchkilla commented 6 months ago

Hi, What exact error message is displayed on the computer where it doesn't detect Toontown? Which game variant (TT Rewritten, Corporate Clash) are you running?

On the other machine, do you mean that the simulator appears to have started (by graying-out the Start button and by highlighting the currently executed action in blue), but doesn't simulate mouse clicks/keys being pressed in the Toontown windows? Did you set the checkbox "Use Background Mode"?


hi kpreisser. im a big fan of your work!!! is there a way to take your TT-WebInfo files and merge it somehow with either rewritten or corporate clash so when an invasion happens, i can hear the robot voice announce it???? can you please make a new program if not? :( I LOVE THE VOICE. it wouldnt be a waste of time if you did it, heck, i would even pay you for your troubles if so!!!!!