kpreisser / MouseClickSimulator

Mouse Click Simulator for Toontown Rewritten and Corporate Clash
MIT License
24 stars 17 forks source link

Donald's DreamLand #8

Closed acabiera closed 8 years ago

acabiera commented 8 years ago

Hi! Your code for all the sample maps you have work flawlessly for me! My only request is if you are able to make one for DDL (Pajama Place or anywhere in DDL would be great).

I tried to modify one of your codes to make one for Pajama Place, DDL, but I wasn't able to get it to detect the bubbles. How (what programs if any) did you do these specs in the loop?: <AutomaticFishing scan1="260, 196" scan2="1349, 626" bubbleColorRgb="22, 140, 118" toleranceRgb="13, 13, 15" />

I used an online detect to find the "rgb" of the bubbles, but it still wasn't detecting them. And as for the "scan" I had no clue how to do those. Thanks in advance!

TTExtensions commented 8 years ago

Hi, I added a fishing project for Lullaby Lane in DDL (this was also implemented in the old TT Mouseclick Simulator).

The attributes of the <AutomaticFishing> element have following meaning:

Hope this helps.