kr / hk

Fast Heroku client
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Plugin errors in `hk help`` #40

Closed bmizerany closed 11 years ago

bmizerany commented 11 years ago

hk help pauses for a moment when listing plugins, then outputs that it got non-zero exist statuses.

NOTE: These plugins are not HKPLUGINMODE aware.

$ hk help
Usage: hk [command] [options] [arguments]

Supported commands are:

  create   create an app
  rename   rename an app
  destroy  destroy an app
  creds    show auth creds
  sshauth  authorize ssh public keys
  env      list config vars
  get      get config var
  set      set config var
  unset    unset config var
  info     show app info
  rels     show releases and info
  list     list apps
  open     open app
  ps       list running dynos
  scale    change dyno counts
  restart  restart dynos
  tail     tail log files
  run      run a process
  version  show hk version
  help     show help

  default  exit status 1
unknown description (plugin)
  foo      unknown description (plugin)
  sudo     exit status 2
unknown description (plugin)

See 'hk help [command]' for more information about a command.

Additional help topics:

  environ  environment variables used by hk
  plugins  interface to plugin commands

See 'hk help [topic]' for more information about that topic.

This dev build of hk will expire at 2013-03-11 14:27:46 -0700 PDT
kr commented 11 years ago

Fixed in 949ff143470089bdd62dd7af1f02525caf051409