kr / hk

Fast Heroku client
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windows src\\kr\hk\update.go:211: undefined: binPath #58

Closed i79868 closed 11 years ago

i79868 commented 11 years ago

//#include import "C"

import ( "os" "syscall" "unsafe" )

var ( homePath = os.Getenv("%HOMEPATH%") )

func binPath() string { b := make([]uint16, int(C.MAX_PATH)) n := C.GetModuleFileNameW(nil, (*C.WCHAR)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])), C.MAX_PATH) return syscall.UTF16ToString(b[:n]) }

i mod, does it work

bgentry commented 11 years ago

Hi, we removed the cgo components of this so it should compile on Windows again.

However, auto-updating won't work if you install via go get. That will only work for official binary releases.

That's probably OK for now but just wanted to give you the heads up. Let me know if you have any other issues!