kr0ner / OneESP32ToRuleThemAll

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ESP32 internal CAN Controller #12

Open kr0ner opened 1 month ago

kr0ner commented 1 month ago

hey there,

I am using the ESP32 internal CAN Controller (

could you also "elegantly integrate" a variant for this?

btw. I have a Tecalor TTC07cool heatpump and still have some issues with the existing implementations. This is why I'm following your progress here with your "clean c++ code approach" with great enthusiasm :)

Originally posted by @mkaiser in

kr0ner commented 1 month ago

Hi @mkaiser

shouldn't it be as easy as this 😉 ESP needs to be compatible though docs

+# The ESP32 has an integrated CAN controller and therefore doesn’t need an
+# external controller necessarily. You only need to specify the RX and TX pins.
+# Any GPIO will work.
-  - platform: mcp2515
+  - platform: esp32_can
     id: my_mcp2515
-    spi_id: McpSpi
-    cs_pin: GPIO15
+   tx_pin: GPIOXX
+   rx_pin: GPIOXX
     can_id: 680
     use_extended_id: false
     bit_rate: 20kbps

With regards to the missing features for Tecalor TTC07cool, don't hesitate to create issues, preferably with debug logs, so that we can try to fix them.

mkaiser commented 1 month ago

I answered in the previous thread regarding the configuration.

When I have some spare time I will check on the TTC07c and give some feedback. Tried this with the unmaintained integrations which are the base of this one, but did not have time to finish (and I really disliked the coding style).