kr15h / ofxPiMapper

Projection mapping addon for openFrameworks that works on the Raspberry Pi
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Video Sync #117

Open mungle opened 6 years ago

mungle commented 6 years ago

Hello, is it possible to sync videos over network? Thank you

kr15h commented 6 years ago

One way would be to encode the video so you can seek to frames, upload the video to all your RasPi devices and add OSC receivers to receive sync messages from a main RasPi that is playing back the same video and sending frame numbers to all connected RasPi's at once.

Another way would be to stream video from a computer or Raspberry Pi and use omxPlayer to connect to that stream from all of your Raspberry Pi's.

magdesign commented 6 years ago

Once tried to sync with this approach: But the problem which must to be solved first:

pietrondo commented 6 years ago

same problem. I need to sync two video on two raspberry (omxplayer-sync works very well), but i need also some mapping.. Other solution?

magdesign commented 6 years ago

There is only a hardware solution so far. I bought a HDMI recorder on ebay, doing the mapping with PiMapper, record the output, put it as videofile back onto the pi and then use omxplayer-sync.

Neon22 commented 6 years ago

does VLC allow this ? I know it streams well...

magdesign commented 6 years ago

If we are talking about raspberrypi, there is only omxplayer available for the solution since no other player is supporting the hardware chip.

You could fork ofxomxplayer and add the missing dbus support, then I will make the syncscript.

pietrondo commented 6 years ago

yep. at the moment we make an installation with omxplayer-sync . but the best is to use ofxpimapper. but ofxomxplayer doesn't support the sync at the moment

magdesign commented 4 years ago

By now it should be possible to sync several PiMapper RPis over the network since ofxOMXPlayer was rewritten from scratch. The example-shader has controls to pause and seek forward a video and also displays the current frame number.

What we now need is an option to start ofxPiMapper as slave, so it would start receiving the timecode from another PiMapper instance, check if it is in the same position, if not, seek forward, a bit ahead of the masters timecode, go to pause and when the master reached the same time, start the video.

We made a script with this approach for omxplayer and it works very well.

Any motivated openframeworks coder how can help with this please contact me for paid work.

kr15h commented 4 years ago

Good to know that OMXPlayer got rewritten. I am trying to source enough time to take a closer look.

mmunderlinegithub commented 3 years ago

Hey @magdesign! (greetings form Berne ;-)) Did you manage to make it work? I'm looking exactly for the same thing. I got my Pi 3 B+ working with omxplayer-sync and ofxPimapper. Would super cool now to use the sync feature from OMXPlayer in the mighty ofPiMapper. What do you think? Thanks a lot! Greetings, MM

magdesign commented 3 years ago

@mmunderlinegithub yes, sync mapping is possible. I sponsored a developer to solve mapping sync over network, its available with my outstanding PocketVJ Exhibition

mmunderlinegithub commented 3 years ago

@magdesign thank you for the fast reply. alright, cool. Unfortunatly I already bought my Pis and thus can't afford your soultion. :(. Is there a way to buy just the script to link those two tools? thank you in any case

mmunderlinegithub commented 3 years ago

@magdesign sorry again. If a buy two of these: I'll be able to run your software ( on it to sync a video while mapping it, right? I'll make a small donation if it works. :)