kraemer-lab / GRAPEVNE

Graphical Analytical Pipeline Development Evironment
MIT License
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Extendable input params #213

Open joetsui1994 opened 5 months ago

joetsui1994 commented 5 months ago

I am currently working on the LogCombiner module (LogCombiner) which combines log or tree files from multiple independent BEAST runs. When running LogCombiner from the terminal, typically you would do ./logcombiner -log file1.log file2.log -o combined.log, where file1.log and file2.log are the files you are trying to combine. It is possible to combine more than two files by simply extending the space-delimited list. But in the current version of GRAPEVNE I don't think it is possible for the user to add more input files on the fly. What is the best strategy around this issue?

1) Allow 10 (or other reasonable number) maximum number input files by default, user can use as many as they wish 2) Some mechanism that allows users to extend the input parameters list (up to some maximum?)