kraftvaerk / generator-rammevaerk

Scaffold a web project in kraftvaerk style
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Normalize indentation across JSON files and update typo #20

Closed kristoforsalmin closed 6 years ago

kristoforsalmin commented 6 years ago

A lot of stuff here, please let me explain a bit.

Indentaion and .editorconfig updates

I've noticed we have some indentation inconsistency across JSON files, so in order to fix it I updated .editorconfig and made sure indentation is now the same. Currently it's 2 spaces for JSON files (and .eslintrc, .babelrc, etc.). I thought it's pretty much convenctional style, but please let me know if we need to change that.


I've removed few things from it, since they were included by default.

Just fixed few proper nouns. webpack has its own branding guidelines, so I used it as a reference.

By the way, awesome job you did updating it 👍


I renamed skipInstall to skip-install, again, for consistency and ESLint isn't complaining anymore.


Alongside with minor changes I removed the italic in few places. I usually use it to emphasize something and I didn't see the point of using it there. I may be wrong on that, if so please let me know 😄

Other changes

Primarily consist of: updating proper nouns and URLs; sorting things; making sure we use same Markdown style.