kragniz / tor-controller

Run Tor onion services on Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
540 stars 33 forks source link

How it works? #10

Open djuwa4 opened 4 years ago

djuwa4 commented 4 years ago

Hello! I really do not want to seem like a noob, but apparently have to) The picture is complemented by my "perfect" English)

1) I installed a tor-controller on my kubernetes instance, i set up the onionservice with fixed address and I see it through the tor-browser on my phone. 2) I have an AWX that connects via API to a kubernetes (on which the tor-controller is installed). On kubernetes i created a security token, key, namespace - it is necessary to connect AWX to kubernetes. Then on AWX I created a "Container Group". When i perform a task (jobs) on AWX, this Container Group is created on kubernetes (as POD) and the jobs is processed in it. Jobs install operating systems on remote servers (on the Internet).

My question: how can i make sure that my AWX POD uses the resources of the tor-controller? I need access to remote servers via a tor-network.

djuwa4 commented 4 years ago

I created basic-onion-service (with random address) in in one namespaces with POD AWX. How to make network traffic from a POD AWX go through a tor-network?

I just noticed that a onionservice created in the same namespace with POD AWX is not available through tor-browser :(

djuwa4 commented 4 years ago

I have achieved that now AWX POD and onionservices work in the same namespace (by default), I see onionservices in tor-browser. The question is the same: How to forward traffic with AWX POD through TOR?

I ask for help) Please!