kraibse / obsidian-table-sorting

This essential plugin will finally allow you to organize your tables non-destructively right within Obsidian. Sorting by multiple columns is supported!
MIT License
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cannot enable plugin #13

Closed ShambreTaylor closed 7 months ago

ShambreTaylor commented 8 months ago

Issue Description

I cannot enable the plugin.

Steps to Reproduce

Probably i missed something beacuse of poor specific installing description. So the detailed list of steps that Ive made:

  1. Make a folder named table-sorting in .obsidian/plugins
  2. Copy the main.ts, the manifest.json, and the styles.css into it
  3. Refreshed the installed plugins in obsidian
  4. Tried to enable the plugin

Expected Behavior

Activation of the plugin

Actual Behavior

Give an error: Failed to load plugin table-sorting

kraibse commented 8 months ago

Hello, please excuse my late response.

I just did a clean install with a fresh vault and the latest release (1.3.0) of the plugin. It loads and works flawlessly on my end.

I'm sure there is an incompatible plugin somewhere. If you send me a list of your plugin I might be able to help you further.

ShambreTaylor commented 8 months ago

Hello, thank you.

The issue is still there with the 1.3.0. version of the plugin.

The most relevant plugins are (bcs I searched for the same feature):

Should I send the other plugins?

kraibse commented 8 months ago

Please do send me the other plugins. I think I remembered an incompatibility with Sortable, not sure if that still persists. Also, is there anything else regarding this plugin in the console? Does it work for you in a fresh vault?

Depending on your needs you can use either advanced tables for sorting or this plugin. Keep in mind that obsidian-table-sorting keeps the original order of the values and can sort by multiple columns at the same time. Advanced tables is limited in that regard.

Other than that obsidian-table-sorting and the advanced tables plugin are compatible and I'd recommend having both activated.

ShambreTaylor commented 8 months ago

Sure, here it is (more of them are not enabled, i do not know whether it is important):

Thank you for the clarification of the uniqueness of your plugin.

kraibse commented 7 months ago

So, I have looked through your list and compared it to the incompatibilities. I recommend disabling sortable since it reliably returns errors on my end as well. As I said with a clean vault and just the table sorting installed, my plugin works as intended with the latest version.

If the error persists after disabling / uninstalling sortable and doing a fresh install of obsidian-table-sorting, I recommend closing all open files with tables and reopening those files after restarting obsidian.