kraiskil / onnx2c

Open Neural Network Exchange to C compiler.
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installation issue ubuntu - Protocol Buffer version #38

Open forgi86 opened 7 months ago

forgi86 commented 7 months ago

I get an error running:

$ make onnx2c

The error is triggered by the generated file onnx.pb.h and reads:

"This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update your headers."

Seems related to Protocol Buffer versione, mine is 3.12.4


kraiskil commented 7 months ago

This sounds quite strange. Like your libprotobuf and the protoc are of different versions. Which version of Ubuntu is this?

Does the versions of the following match:

And what is GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERSION defined as in the generated onnx.pb.h file (in root of the build directory)

If there is a mismatch between the two, maybe Ubuntu packages several versions of protobuf, and doesn't enforce consistency?

forgi86 commented 7 months ago

$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Release: 22.04 Codename: jammy

pkg-config --modversion protobuf 3.12.4

protoc --version libprotoc 3.20.1

There is no GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERSION #define in the file onnx.pb.h

kraiskil commented 7 months ago

That looks like the problem. I don't know protobuf closely, but I think the protoc and libprotobuf must be of the same version. onnx2c build system doesn't check for the versions, just takes whatever it finds first.

Can you install a newer libprotobuf or older protoc?

forgi86 commented 7 months ago

OK I found my problem, I was using a conda environment which was masking my /usr/bin/protoc to another one with the wrong version 3.20.1. A $ conda deactivate before compilation solved my issue. Thanks for the hint!