Open aozora opened 10 years ago
I'd suggest at least to give us an option to provide our own method for fetching the token from the request instead of the body-only way it is done.
token = req.body[key];
By letting us use a custom function there (like it is done with impl.validate()) we could get the key from a cookie or header or whatever.
It could be documented better, but why won't the custom token implementation method work for this?
Edit: You have direct access to the request from that function
Hi folks. I'm trying to getting Angular and Lusca to play nicely with CSRF, but Lusca (csrf.js) is seeing undefined values for the key and the token when it receives the POST, and I see nothing related to csrf or xsrf in the req.body or req.headers. Would you mind pointing out what I'm doing wrong, so that I correctly set and get the header and cookie? Here's what I've got currently configured:
in my angular app:
$httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = '_csrf';
$httpProvider.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'x-xsrf-token';
and in my node:
csrf: {key: "x-xsrf-token", header: "_csrf"},
xframe: "SAMEORIGIN",
csp: false,
p3p: false,
hsts: false,
xssProtection: true
Much appreciated!
@pdapel It looks like you've swapped key
and header
in the config there.
From the angular docs:
"To take advantage of this, your server needs to set a token in a JavaScript readable session cookie called XSRF-TOKEN on the first HTTP GET request."
This functionality isn't provided by lusca at this time.
@totherik Is there a way to use lusca and support Angular, and if so how?
Hey @mzarella. AFAIK, nothing has changed in lusca to support sending the token as a cookie. (However, there's nothing preventing you from doing this in your app.) HTTP header support was added and we're always open to PRs if you have a proposal. Also, @jasisk may already have something in mind, so I'll let him comment.
@eriktoth is correct. The best way is to either configure lusca to use the X-XSRF-TOKEN
header, or Angular to use the x-csrf-token
header and write a tiny middleware (with a later priority than lusca which is 110 by default) to set the generated token as a cookie value (with something like: res.cookie('XSRF-TOKEN', res.locals._csrf);
Thanks @totherik and @jasisk
@pdapel Did you get it working or can you suggest some module that works with angular?
@gracehopper17 Did you try adding res.cookie('XSRF-TOKEN', res.locals._csrf);
as a middleware after lusca?
@aredridel Hi Aria, res.locals._csrf is coming as undefined for me. Can you please take a minute to explain how to set this value.
Sure. Will reply in #54
I am using lusca with express-session, I have on server side:
var opts = { csrf: { angular: true } };
csrf: {key: "_csrf", header: "x-xsrf-token"},
xframe: "SAMEORIGIN",
csp: false,
p3p: false,
hsts: false,
xssProtection: true,
nosniff: true
On angular side
.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
$httpProvider.defaults.xsrfCookieName = "_csrf";
$httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRF-TOKEN';
Read here on issues and alot on the web, still can't wrap my head around how to get token
to jade
on server side I also have req.path filter so:
server.use((req, res, next) => {
if ((req.path === '/api/upload') || (/^\/store/.test(req.originalUrl))) {
} else {
lusca.csrf()(req, res, next);
store pages are the ones I need to persist token!
And on jade
template I have the following tag:
input(type='hidden', name='_csrf', value=_csrf)
Tokens are coming in but they keep on changing with every page load. Is that normal behavior for this scenario? If not, what am I doing wrong/ what should I change?? (I am aware that some parts don't belong...)
Hi, This can solved server side by : app.use(lusca({ csrf: { angular: true }, csp: { policy: { 'default-src': '\'self\'', 'img-src': '', 'style-src': '' }}, xframe: 'SAMEORIGIN', p3p: 'ABCDEF', hsts: {maxAge: 31536000, includeSubDomains: true, preload: true}, xssProtection: true, nosniff: true }));
Token are finely 'cookised'
@PhilippeCorreges , thanx...but isn't that the same as:
var opts = { csrf: { angular: true } };
I have both on my server.js
but still can't access the token/cookie
Maybe I am accessing them wrongly??
Say you have the two lines of code above (if they do the job...),
How would you access the token/cookie
from angular
? controller? app config??
Thanx again
Yes this is the same. On my side I simply suppressed those lines (setting csrf to false) as they are not relevant for jwt.
See Angular docs at the paragraph "Cross Site Request Forgery (XSRF) Protection"$http