kramars-realspeak / fm-gai-lottie-multiple-choice-v1

fm-gai-lottie-multiple-choice-v1 is a software tool designed to automate the creation of multiple-choice activities enabling quick access to diverse and engaging exercises and novel learning content based on a small sample of target vocabulary.
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extend #7

Open Peter96K opened 1 month ago

Peter96K commented 1 month ago

-cutting out objects from the images; creating a worksheet e.g. where the corect order must be added; add QR codes to be able to store the unique ID of the object in it; student_id, week number, group_alias and more;

Peter96K commented 1 month ago

-coloring pages, object detection, extraction, removing backgrounds, converting them to stickers, using color thief; # words pronounced example sentences; objects cut out and presented next to the words? introduction, extender; when clicking on the word, it gets pronounced and students can stick objects into the coloring page; or they can have a cutout created out of it? # inclusion of 3d printing, adding a bit of glue, adding a different city where they customize and explain what is going on in that picture; # this can be added as worksheet PDFs right next to the activity, downloaded and printed; the printing functionality can be extensive; by adding a print window; or by also opening the image in kami or dragging and droppping objects directly into it, adding sounds and images to the background, adding music as well; creating dialogue and adding voice over; interactivity with rules, decisions and further concepts;