Closed AntoniRokitnicki closed 6 years ago
IDE version? Does it always happen? Any idea how to reproduce it?
no idea, it just happens.
I feel that the biggest problem is that
@Nullable protected String getContentType(@NotNull RunnerLayoutUi runnerLayoutUi) {
is Nullable, but
@NotNull public Content createContent(@NotNull String id,
expect NotNull
is that id really imporant ? maybe you could pass any notNull value if method returns null ?
Well, it is kinda confusing, but I check in #update that it is not null, so it should not be null.
I suspect there is some multithreading issue because it can also return wrong value - and then it puts the console into e.g. variables tab when debugging.
This should help, but will not work properly for things like "XSLT-Output" whatever that may be.
Argument for @NotNull parameter 'id' of com/intellij/execution/ui/layout/impl/RunnerLayoutUiImpl.createContent must not be null java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'id' of com/intellij/execution/ui/layout/impl/RunnerLayoutUiImpl.createContent must not be null at com.intellij.execution.ui.layout.impl.RunnerLayoutUiImpl.$$$reportNull$$$0( at com.intellij.execution.ui.layout.impl.RunnerLayoutUiImpl.createContent( at krasa.grepconsole.grep.OpenGrepConsoleAction.createGrepConsole( at krasa.grepconsole.grep.PinnedGrepsReopener$1.initConsole( at krasa.grepconsole.grep.PinnedGrepsReopener$1.lambda$0(