krasa / GrepConsole

IntelliJ plugin -
Apache License 2.0
440 stars 57 forks source link

Bright black (1;30) is the same as dim white (37) #60

Closed TWiStErRob closed 7 years ago

TWiStErRob commented 8 years ago

There are 4 grayscale colors in ANSI:

Grep console is missing "bright black"; here's how it looks like in IDEA console: image

Here are the unhidden escapes: image

Here's how it should look like (from Windows 10 cmd; native or ANSICON, not sure): image

Notice that in IDEA DEBUG and debug has the same color, while in the terminal they are 2 distinct colors.

I'm using a log4j2.xml equivalent to this:

<Configuration strict="true">
    <Properties />
    <ThresholdFilter level="TRACE" onMatch="neutral" onMismatch="deny" />
        <Appender type="Console" name="color-console">
            <Layout type="PatternLayout" pattern="%highlight{%date{ISO8601} %-5level}{FATAL=bright magenta, ERROR=bright red, WARN=bright yellow, INFO=dim white, DEBUG=bright black, TRACE=cyan} %style{%message}{bright,white}%n" />
        <Root level="ALL">
            <AppenderRef ref="color-console" />
krasa commented 7 years ago

ANSI is no longer supported by this plugin, IntelliJ itself does it instead.