krasserm / akka-stream-eventsourcing

Event sourcing for Akka Streams
Apache License 2.0
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Low-level snapshot API #8

Open krasserm opened 6 years ago

krasserm commented 6 years ago
jbgi commented 6 years ago

In case you would find it useful, here is the gist of the api I'm using to control snapshot creation :

  /** Control how the a snapshot is stored, relatively to existing snapshots:
    *  - Epoch: The snapshot is deemed to the earliest snapshot,
    *    any existing snapshots with a smaller sequence number are discarded.
    *  - Cache: persist the snapshot, keeping all other existing snapshots.
  sealed trait SnapshotStoreMode
  object SnapshotStoreMode {
    case object Epoch extends SnapshotStoreMode
    case object Cache extends SnapshotStoreMode

Then the EventSource graph stage would be parametrized with a SnapshotStrategy:

  /** Control when and how snapshots are persisted. Ie, given:
    * - the number of events stored since the last snapshot.
    * - the duration since the last snapshot.
    * - the event being persisted, up to which the snapshot would be created.
    * decide if a snapshot should be created and how (Some[SnapshotStoreMode]) or not (None).
    * Implementation details: In the case where multiple events are persisted
    * after a single request, this strategy is applied for each events, but if multiple
    * [SnapshotStoreMode.Epoch] are yielded, only the last one is actually acted-on.
    * Also any [SnapshotStoreMode.Cache] directives appearing before a
    * [SnapshotStoreMode.Epoch] is ignored.
  type SnapshotStrategy[-E] = (Long, Duration, E) => Option[SnapshotStoreMode]
krasserm commented 6 years ago

Thanks for sharing your ideas. The main purpose of the low-level snapshot API is to provide a foundation for implementing what you proposed (among other possible solution). I'd like to avoid to parameterize the EventSourcing stage with snapshotting strategies/logic/abstractions directly, it should only be paramterized with initial state. Higher level snapshotting logic should be implemented in a layer above.

aruediger commented 6 years ago

The ability to explicitly create (tagged) snapshots would enable support for versioned state.

krasserm commented 6 years ago

@2beaucoup the low level API will provide sources that associate (i.e. tag) emitted snapshots with offsets (= version numbers). Do you see any issues?

aruediger commented 6 years ago

Nope. :) Are these snapshots created just at static intervals or will it be possible to trigger them by a prop on e.g. Emitted?

krasserm commented 6 years ago

Here's the idea. Given a Snapshot type, an eventSource starting fromSequenceNr and an eventHandler:

  import com.github.krasserm.ases.Durable
  import com.github.krasserm.ases.EventSourcing.EventHandler

  trait Snapshot[S] {
    def state: S
    def sequenceNr: Long // state "version"

  def eventSource[E](fromSequenceNr: Long): Source[Durable[E], _]
  def eventHandler[E, S]: EventHandler[E, S]

a snapshot source can be created with:

  def snapshotSource[E, S](snapshot: Snapshot[S]): Source[Snapshot[S], _] =
    eventSource[E](snapshot.sequenceNr + 1L)
      .scan(snapshot)((s, d) => Snapshot(eventHandler(s.state, d.event), d.sequenceNr))

It emits a new snapshot with every new event from eventSource. You can then apply any of the FlowOps methods to implement time or sequence number based emission intervals. The high-level snapshot API (coming as separate ticket) will then provide Sinks for writing these snapshots, for example, to Akka Persistence compliant snapshots stores or somewhere else. All this happens on the query side.

On the command side, an EventSourcing stage will be initialized with the state of a given snapshot and joined with an event log that emits events starting from the snapshot's sequenceNr + 1L.

aruediger commented 6 years ago

Looks pretty flexible. Thanks for the heads-up @krasserm!

t3hnar commented 6 years ago

@krasserm why not make Snapshot just a case class ?

krasserm commented 6 years ago

@t3hnar it will be. The above only explains the concept i.e. no need to cover implementation details.