Open BSchilperoort opened 2 months ago
Given the number, it seems to be the netCDF files of the original Caravan dataset. Interesting, probably happened when I extended them to the longer periods. And with attributes you mean the info I included about timezone and units?
Interesting, probably happened when I extended them to the longer periods
That can happen, not all operations in some software will maintain the attributes.
And with attributes you mean the info I included about timezone and units?
Yep, you can view the attributes with ncdump -h filename
A valid file has the following:
// global attributes:
:Units = "snow_depth_water_equivalent: ERA5-Land Snow-Water-Equivalent [mm]\n",
"surface_net_solar_radiation: Surface net solar radiation [W/m2]\n",
"surface_net_thermal_radiation: Surface net thermal radiation [W/m2]\n",
"surface_pressure: Surface pressure [kPa]\n",
"temperature_2m: 2m air temperature [°C]\n",
"u_component_of_wind_10m: U-component of wind at 10m [m/s]\n",
"v_component_of_wind_10m: V-component of wind at 10m [m/s]\n",
"volumetric_soil_water_layer_1: ERA5-Land volumetric soil water layer 1 (0-7cm) [m3/m3]\n",
"volumetric_soil_water_layer_2: ERA5-Land volumetric soil water layer 2 (7-28cm) [m3/m3]\n",
"volumetric_soil_water_layer_3: ERA5-Land volumetric soil water layer 3 (28-100cm) [m3/m3]\n",
"volumetric_soil_water_layer_4: ERA5-Land volumetric soil water layer 4 (100-289cm) [m3/m3]\n",
"total_precipitation: Total precipitation [mm]\n",
"potential_evaporation: ERA5-Land Potential Evapotranspiration [mm]\n",
"streamflow: Observed streamflow [mm/d]\n",
"" ;
:Timezone = "America/Eirunepe" ;
:Source = "All forcing and state variables are derived from ERA5-Land hourly by ECMWF. Streamflow data was taken from the CAMELS-BR Dataset by Chagas et al. (2020)." ;
this part is missing from the files listed in the .txt file I shared.
In the latest release of caravan around 6000 of the netCDF files are missing dataset-level attributes (and don't have variable-level attributes either).
The files missing attributes are in the list attached; missing_attrs.txt