krausest / js-framework-benchmark

A comparison of the performance of a few popular javascript frameworks
Apache License 2.0
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Please pay attention to Nue.js #1656

Open Dugnist opened 3 weeks ago

Dugnist commented 3 weeks ago

Despite the fact that the community of this framework is still quite small, it already looks head and shoulders above the frameworks on the lists.

I would like to understand how fast it really is, because from the development point of view, it looks a bit better than even the top ones: Solid and Svelte.

birkskyum commented 2 weeks ago

What you can see from this benchmark is the client-side reactivity only. I can see the template syntax is somewhat similar to vue, and that speed can be tested, but all the meta-framework, content-first features can't be tested here for the same reasons that Astro and Next.js doesn't have entries.

Dugnist commented 2 weeks ago

@birkskyum What you're talking about is probably "Nuekit", an alternative to "SvelteKit", "Nextjs", "Astro" and others.

However, there is a pure frontend framework that I think can be measured:

birkskyum commented 2 weeks ago

I believe we're both talking about the same thing, namely

birkskyum commented 2 weeks ago

Is there a static adapter? A way to make static site generation? We need that, since the nuejs is server side rendered.