krausest / js-framework-benchmark

A comparison of the performance of a few popular javascript frameworks
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refactor solid & solid-store implementations #1678

Closed qeleb closed 1 week ago

qeleb commented 2 weeks ago


  1. Clean up keyed/solid & keyed/solid-store implementations by running Prettier & adopting patterns from other framework setups for clearer code & better uniformity
  2. Update keyed/solid & keyed/solid-store rollup configs with a minimal terser setup to more reasonably represent what the average user will experience when using a boilerplate or popular framework like SolidStart.

    Is this over-optimization? No. I believe this is firmly in the spirit of representing what an average user will realistically experience with Solid. Plus, this is considerably less bundler customization than what is used in many of the other framework benchmarks, like million, gxt, cydon, etc.

krausest commented 2 weeks ago

@trueadm Are you fine with those changes?

trueadm commented 2 weeks ago

Did you mean @ryansolid?

krausest commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry, you're right!

krausest commented 1 week ago

Here's a comparison (left new keyed, right old keyed version): Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 18 08 32

qeleb commented 1 week ago

@krausest thank you! i’m surprised Solid has gotten 0.02 worse while Solid Store got 0.02 better.. the changes to each are the same & I expected minification to not make things any worse.

The bundle size is about 4.5% less so there’s probably a win in that section at least