krausest / js-framework-benchmark

A comparison of the performance of a few popular javascript frameworks
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imba benchmark #492

Closed allain closed 5 years ago

krausest commented 5 years ago

Sorry - I tried to merge, but ran into an issue: For some reason I don't understand the buttons don't get id attributes which means the test driver can't run the benchmark:

bildschirmfoto 2018-12-04 um 21 05 51

Can you please take a look at it?

leeoniya commented 5 years ago

maybe this will work?

<button.btn.btn-primary.btn-block :type='button' :id=@id

append #@id:

<button.btn.btn-primary.btn-block#@id :type='button' :id=@id
krausest commented 5 years ago

Nice try, but...

ERROR in ./src/main.imba
Module Error (from ./node_modules/imba/loader.js):
Parse error at [969:3]: Unexpected 'IDENTIFIER'
      30 |              <self>
      31 |                      <div.col-sm-6.smallpad>
   -> 32 |                              <button.btn.btn-primary.btn-block#@id :type='button' :id=@id :tap=@cb> @title

(stays the same when removing the :id or pushing @id to the front)

allain commented 5 years ago

I'll take a stab shortly.

On Tue, Dec 4, 2018, 3:34 PM Stefan Krause < wrote:

Nice try, but...

ERROR in ./src/main.imba Module Error (from ./node_modules/imba/loader.js): Parse error at [969:3]: Unexpected 'IDENTIFIER' 30 | 31 | -> 32 | <button.btn.btn-primary.btn-block#@id :type='button' :id=@id :tap=@cb> @title

(stays the same when removing the :id or pushing @id to the front)

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allain commented 5 years ago

Changing :id=@id to id=@id worked the dom element now has the correct id.

allain commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure if this particular test belongs in keyed or unkeyed to be honest.

krausest commented 5 years ago

Thanks - I‘ll take a look at it tomorrow.

leeoniya commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure if this particular test belongs in keyed or unkeyed to be honest.

npm run isKeyed -- --framework imba should tell you

allain commented 5 years ago

I mean I know wrote it in the keyed directory but I'm not sure if the code satisfies the definition of a keyed framework test.

On Tue, Dec 4, 2018, 4:55 PM Leon Sorokin < wrote:

I'm not sure if this particular test belongs in keyed or unkeyed to be honest.

npm run isKeyed -- --framework svelte should tell you

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localvoid commented 5 years ago

@allain I'm not sure if the code satisfies the definition of a keyed framework test.

I think that keys are assigned with @{key} syntax:

allain commented 5 years ago

@localvoid You are absolutely correct, I've updated the Rows to be rendered with a key according to the syntax you pointed to.

Thank you.

I'll copy that one over to the unkeyed directory and remove the key syntax too.

localvoid commented 5 years ago


$ cd webdriver-ts
$ npm run isKeyed -- --framework imba-v1.4.1-keyed

> webdriver-ts@1.0.0 isKeyed /home/void/w/js/garbage/js-framework-benchmark/webdriver-ts
> cross-env LANG="en_US.UTF-8" node dist/isKeyed.js "--framework" "imba-v1.4.1-keyed"

Frameworks that will be checked imba-v1.4.1-keyed
imba-v1.4.1-keyed is non-keyed for 'run benchmark' and non-keyed for 'remove row benchmark' non-keyed for 'swap rows benchmark' . It'll appear as non-keyed in the results
ERROR: Framework imba-v1.4.1-keyed is not correctly categorized

Key should be assigned on the <Row>:

<Row@{item:id} item=item selected=(selected === item:id) select=(do select(item)) remove=(do remove(item))> 
$ npm run isKeyed -- --framework imba-v1.4.1-keyed

> webdriver-ts@1.0.0 isKeyed /home/void/w/js/garbage/js-framework-benchmark/webdriver-ts
> cross-env LANG="en_US.UTF-8" node dist/isKeyed.js "--framework" "imba-v1.4.1-keyed"

Frameworks that will be checked imba-v1.4.1-keyed
imba-v1.4.1-keyed is keyed for 'run benchmark' and keyed for 'remove row benchmark' keyed for 'swap rows benchmark' . It'll appear as keyed in the results
krausest commented 5 years ago

@allain I can't merge it in the current state. Can you please update it to generate the correct html and the class for selected rows as @localvoid reviewed? Since the non-keyed version works (after changing the class for selected rows) I took a first look at the performance (though it's not really comparable until the identical HTML is generated):

bildschirmfoto 2018-12-05 um 20 52 56
allain commented 5 years ago

I've implemented some of the fixes, but the aria-* attributes required me to submit a pull request to the imba project. once it's merged I'll finish and push.

On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 2:59 PM Stefan Krause wrote:

@allain I can't merge it in the current state. Can you please update it to generate the correct html and the class for selected rows as @localvoid reviewed? Since the non-keyed version works (after changing the class for selected rows) I took a first look at the performance (though it's not really comparable until the identical HTML is generated): [image: bildschirmfoto 2018-12-05 um 20 52 56]

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localvoid commented 5 years ago

As a temporary solution it is possible to assign aria-hidden this way:

tag GlyphIcon < span
    def build
        set('aria-hidden', 'true')

    def render
allain commented 5 years ago

Thanks. I'll go ahead and apply that change.

On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 4:17 AM Boris Kaul wrote:

As a temporary solution it is possible to assign aria-hidden this way:

tag GlyphIcon < span def build set('aria-hidden', true)

def render

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allain commented 5 years ago

Done. Thank you Boris

krausest commented 5 years ago

@allain Keyed looks perfect, thanks! The non-keyed version is identical, isn't it? (At least it's keyed too according to my test) I could merge the PR with just the keyed version if that's ok for you.

allain commented 5 years ago

I thought I'd removed the @{item:id} from the non-keyed one.

I'll have a look later.

On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 4:16 PM Stefan Krause wrote:

@allain Keyed looks perfect, thanks! The non-keyed version is identical, isn't it? (At least it's keyed too according to my test) I could merge the PR with just the keyed version if that's ok for you.

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krausest commented 5 years ago

Non-keyed is fine after I removed it. I hope to post results tomorrow.

allain commented 5 years ago

Woohoo. Thanks!

On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 5:02 PM Stefan Krause wrote:

Merged #492 into master.

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PierBover commented 5 years ago

@krausest please let us know when we can see the results!

krausest commented 5 years ago

@allain @PierBover First results - please note that only imba ran on chrome 71, all other benchmarks were measured on chrome 70. Hopefully I can rerun all benchmarks this weekend.

bildschirmfoto 2018-12-07 um 19 50 15
leeoniya commented 5 years ago

when playing with imba's reconciler benchmarks, i noticed that imba has a performance cliff at 500 siblings, probably due to [1]


PierBover commented 5 years ago

Maybe @somebee can comment on that

krausest commented 5 years ago

@allain @PierBover The benchmark has been updated for Chrome 71:

bildschirmfoto 2018-12-08 um 11 14 43