krausest / js-framework-benchmark

A comparison of the performance of a few popular javascript frameworks
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Add Inferno + MobX benchmark #88

Closed tkrotoff closed 7 years ago

tkrotoff commented 7 years ago

Ping @mweststrate @trueadm

trueadm commented 7 years ago

@tkrotoff could you possibly use Inferno 1.0.0-beta21? 0.7 is very old now and will soon be ancient :) ping me if you want some help using it.

npm install --save inferno@beta21 npm install --save inferno-mobx@beta21 npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-inferni@beta12

ping @nightwolfz

tkrotoff commented 7 years ago

@trueadm I've copy-pasted package.json from the Inferno benchmark => identical versions (^1.0.0-beta9)

trueadm commented 7 years ago

@tkrotoff ah sorry, I completely misread the version – just ignore me :) what results did you get out of curiosity?

tkrotoff commented 7 years ago

@trueadm results (runned inside a Ubuntu VM while working):

screen shot 2016-11-30 at 16 27 52

I guess the day MobX uses Proxy object (see #652) it will be faster/use less memory and provide a better API.

tkrotoff commented 7 years ago

Any news on this?

nightwolfz commented 7 years ago

@tkrotoff With the release of inferno v1, this benchmark should be updated again :)

leeoniya commented 7 years ago

@nightwolfz can you guys also submit a keyed implementation?

tkrotoff commented 7 years ago

this benchmark should be updated again

Won't update it if it's not going to be merged...

krausest commented 7 years ago

I'm hesitating to merge it (similar to #45, although impact of mobx was smaller then). There are already a very large number of frameworks. What unique benefit do you see by adding inferno + mobx?

tkrotoff commented 7 years ago

What unique benefit do you see by adding inferno + mobx?

I wanted to see if MobX could benefit from Inferno good performance claims (like Inferno+Redux benchmark).

Since MobX is very popular (221,096 downloads in the last month, first release in 2015), I guess I'm not the only one interested by this benchmark. Its NPM popularity is equivalent to Vue.js (236,387 downloads, ~2013) and Ember.js (232,811 downloads, ~2011).

=> so yes, IMHO MobX deserves to get benchmarks with the 2 most popular VDOM implementations compatible with it.

PS: MobX is more popular than Aurelia (18,432 downloads), Inferno (18,061 downloads), Preact (16,661 downloads), Riot (13,681 downloads), Ractive (11,317 downloads), Mithril (5,257 downloads), Bobril (1,502 downloads), domvm (261 downloads), Kivi (152 downloads) and all other experimental VDOM implementations included in this benchmark (that most probably no one will ever use except their authors - no offense here). If you are afraid there are too many frameworks in your benchmark, you should start here...

Redux is about 1,303,720 downloads last month.

Charts here:

leeoniya commented 7 years ago

i'll put in my two cents. (i know, no one asked)

this benchmark is not a state management lib benchmark. nor is it a popularity contest. the rules of this bench allow you to bring your own datastore implementation, but it only matters insofar as it improves performance, not incurs overhead (as most of them do).

there are an innumerable quantity of permutations of ui libs + state management libs since many can be used with each other. i would instead argue for also removing the redux variants unless they improve perf of the base UI's likely that none actually will unless their immutability guarantees come super cheap.

there's certainly room for a separate and useful benchmark that shows perf of popular combos of state libs and ui libs, but they don't belong in the same table as the rest, only adding clutter, IMHO.

scope creep is a thing.

tkrotoff commented 7 years ago

@leeoniya To sum up: as a VDOM dev you're interested in VDOM implementations benchmarks.

Most of the time end users use a state management lib above a VDOM. So you want your VDOM implementation to perform well with popular state management libs.

leeoniya commented 7 years ago

@tkrotoff certainly, i'm not unbiased. however, if you were to use MobX with all of the existing libs (includijg vanilla) you would end up with exactly the same table. my point is that it's a fixed overhead which can easily be comminucated with a single statement for all libs: "add X% perf overhead and Y% mem overhead for MobX v2.6.3".

Adding a state management lib adds yet another factor that, while useful to know, is unnecessary makes a straightforward benchmark more cluttered and harder to interpret. I'm not saying it shouldn't exist at all, just not in the same table.

at the end of the day, i'm just some dude with some stupid opinion. whatever @krausest says goes, and i'm 100% fine with that. i trust his judgement.

localvoid commented 7 years ago


if you were to use MobX with all of the existing libs (includijg vanilla) you would end up with exactly the same table. my point is that it's a fixed overhead which can easily be comminucated with a single statement for all libs: "add X% perf overhead and Y% mem overhead for MobX v2.6.3".

It is actually slightly more complicated. When mobx or redux is added, it is way much harder to optimize code paths that specific to benchmarks and get impressive results. With some libraries, adding mobx can reveal something that their authors are trying to hide when they trying to convince everyone that they've implemented the fastest web ui library ;)

leeoniya commented 7 years ago


With some libraries, adding mobx can reveal something that their authors are trying to hide

can't tell if you actually have some specific impl in mind or just trolling, with your winkie faces ;) this bench is in much better shape now than it has been since the beginning.

EDIT nvm, i'm slow this evening. though i don't understand the desire to get these mobx impls in here if it does the opposite of prove anything

krausest commented 7 years ago

I'm closing this PR. I don't want to turn this more into a app state benchmark (it's already enough for react).