krausest / js-framework-benchmark

A comparison of the performance of a few popular javascript frameworks
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Consider switching to puppeteer from chromedriver? #947

Closed krausest closed 2 years ago

krausest commented 2 years ago

:heavy_check_mark: Looks like #916 is hard to fix with selenium/chromedriver since there's no API to dispose a element reference. Puppeteer has such an dispose method.

:heavy_check_mark: Puppeteer also has a nice api to get a timeline trace that can be loaded in the chrome performance tab which would be very welcome to allow a better understanding of the reported values.

:heavy_check_mark: Puppeteer-core supports nicely the M1 mac, for which I haven't found a smooth path for chromedriver yet

:heavy_check_mark: For chromedriver I have to disable site isolation on M1, which is not needed for puppeteer

So I was pretty enthusiastic migrating to puppeteer which went mostly nice (handlich shadow dom is always ugly and e.g. calling click in the browser context didn't work for all frameworks, I had to call click on the element handle).

I've pushed a branch for puppeteer that should work on OSX and Linux.

However I have a few issues that currently prohibit replacing chromedriver with puppeteer.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-10-05 um 21 22 55

We had similar behaviour with #549 with chromedriver which also impacted svelte. For chromedriver it was sufficient to reduce the trace categories, but it didn't help with puppeteer.

(I used only slow down factors that can be selected in the chrome performance tab thus some benchmarks are almost too fast to measure.)

Results for:

So currently switching to puppeteer is not the solution we're looking for!

krausest commented 2 years ago

I investigated puppeteer's performance hit a bit more in depth for the "append 1,000 rows" benchmark. I created a small repo that allows to play with this puppeteer benchmark on

The open questions were:

To answer the questions I had to introduce additional metrics, since the only metric we currently have is computing the duration from the timeline and this uses some kind of page.tracing...

I found two metrics that can help:

  1. Use the delta value of page.metrics().TaskDuration to approximate the duration for appending 1,000 rows.
  2. Use the client startMeasure/stopMeasure hack that we removed in 89b546fe1b772e0f9f0b94da81b83513b6759e4b. It tries to enqueue a callback after repainting has finsished. Some clever people have good reasons to consider this hack completely broken, however I think it works surprisingly well in many cases.

This gives us five metrics per framework:

  1. taskTracing: Increase of page.metrics().TaskDuration for a benchmark run after page.tracing is started
  2. taskNoTracing: Increase of page.metrics().TaskDuration for a benchmark run without page.tracing.
  3. clientTracing: The duration as reported from the client side startMeasure/stopMeasure hack after page.tracing is started
  4. clientNoTracing: The duration as reported from the client side startMeasure/stopMeasure hack without page.tracing.
  5. timeline: The original idea from the js-framework-benchmark: Extract the elapsed time between the start of the click event and the end of the paint event, i.e. this can only be measured with page.tracing. The metrics are reported as milliseconds and the std deviation put in brackets.

From those metrics we can compute taskFactor = taskTracing / taskNoTracing, i.e. the overhead of tracing for the task duration and clientFactor = clientTracing / clientNoTracing, the tracing overhead for the client hack duration mesurement

Here are results for my MacBook Air: Default categories:

│ (index) │   framework   │    taskTracing    │  taskNoTracing   │  clientTracing   │ clientNoTracing  │     timeline     │ taskFactor │ clientFactor │
│    0    │  'vanillajs'  │ '53.625 (1.628)'  │ '50.250 (4.679)' │ '45.150 (0.400)' │ '47.525 (1.456)' │ '44.781 (0.457)' │  '1.067'   │   '0.950'    │
│    1    │   'svelte'    │ '98.859 (8.283)'  │ '58.609 (4.733)' │ '80.000 (2.840)' │ '54.087 (0.759)' │ '79.531 (2.853)' │  '1.687'   │   '1.479'    │
│    2    │ 'react-hooks' │ '82.359 (9.738)'  │ '70.250 (5.638)' │ '66.013 (2.640)' │ '65.912 (2.453)' │ '65.125 (2.011)' │  '1.172'   │   '1.002'    │
│    3    │    'domvm'    │ '79.406 (10.420)' │ '61.406 (7.198)' │ '57.688 (2.897)' │ '58.513 (3.892)' │ '56.750 (1.313)' │  '1.293'   │   '0.986'    │

Only category 'devtools.timeline':

│ (index) │   framework   │    taskTracing    │  taskNoTracing   │  clientTracing   │ clientNoTracing  │     timeline     │ taskFactor │ clientFactor │
│    0    │  'vanillajs'  │ '48.891 (2.984)'  │ '49.438 (4.369)' │ '46.913 (2.959)' │ '46.612 (1.360)' │ '46.656 (3.106)' │  '0.989'   │   '1.006'    │
│    1    │   'svelte'    │ '66.297 (4.835)'  │ '56.969 (5.022)' │ '60.988 (1.556)' │ '53.863 (2.447)' │ '60.516 (1.585)' │  '1.164'   │   '1.132'    │
│    2    │ 'react-hooks' │ '70.437 (10.051)' │ '67.656 (5.186)' │ '64.950 (5.838)' │ '63.763 (2.378)' │ '64.031 (4.452)' │  '1.041'   │   '1.019'    │
│    3    │    'domvm'    │ '59.781 (4.260)'  │ '60.094 (8.472)' │ '56.275 (1.443)' │ '55.888 (1.376)' │ '55.094 (0.734)' │  '0.995'   │   '1.007'    │

Here's the same for my Razer Blade 15 on Linux: Default categories:

│ (index) │   framework   │    taskTracing     │   taskNoTracing    │   clientTracing   │  clientNoTracing   │     timeline      │ taskFactor │ clientFactor │
│    0    │  'vanillajs'  │  '90.568 (3.505)'  │ '86.557 (10.886)'  │ '76.375 (2.040)'  │  '82.275 (7.600)'  │ '75.991 (2.047)'  │  '1.046'   │   '0.928'    │
│    1    │   'svelte'    │ '149.885 (17.859)' │ '105.280 (20.249)' │ '121.875 (6.575)' │ '96.837 (13.206)'  │ '120.251 (6.501)' │  '1.424'   │   '1.259'    │
│    2    │ 'react-hooks' │ '144.481 (16.758)' │ '128.734 (17.499)' │ '117.212 (5.654)' │ '122.900 (14.508)' │ '114.861 (4.227)' │  '1.122'   │   '0.954'    │
│    3    │    'domvm'    │ '127.985 (15.459)' │ '108.558 (14.569)' │ '99.213 (6.213)'  │ '102.200 (9.799)'  │ '96.630 (2.584)'  │  '1.179'   │   '0.971'    │

Only category 'devtools.timeline':

│ (index) │   framework   │    taskTracing     │   taskNoTracing    │   clientTracing    │  clientNoTracing   │      timeline      │ taskFactor │ clientFactor │
│    0    │  'vanillajs'  │ '94.773 (19.760)'  │ '85.492 (10.156)'  │ '87.950 (12.915)'  │  '81.162 (6.288)'  │ '87.807 (13.154)'  │  '1.109'   │   '1.084'    │
│    1    │   'svelte'    │ '119.704 (13.236)' │ '102.597 (9.550)'  │ '110.137 (9.083)'  │  '94.225 (4.419)'  │ '109.541 (9.215)'  │  '1.167'   │   '1.169'    │
│    2    │ 'react-hooks' │ '130.983 (20.206)' │ '127.957 (21.973)' │ '120.675 (11.985)' │ '121.175 (20.117)' │ '118.993 (11.998)' │  '1.024'   │   '0.996'    │
│    3    │    'domvm'    │ '116.202 (21.280)' │ '112.047 (15.712)' │ '107.063 (11.305)' │ '104.738 (8.388)'  │ '104.627 (10.534)' │  '1.037'   │   '1.022'    │
yisar commented 2 years ago

How about playwright?

krausest commented 2 years ago

Playwright seems to offer nothing like page.metrics() in pupeeteer, so I can only compare clientTracing values:

│ (index) │  framework  │   clientTracing    │  clientNoTracing  │      timeline      │ clientFactor │
│    0    │ 'vanillajs' │ '84.012 (10.039)'  │ '84.425 (12.673)' │  '82.759 (9.951)'  │   '0.995'    │
│    1    │  'svelte'   │ '105.012 (10.583)' │ '93.487 (7.233)'  │ '103.986 (10.252)' │   '1.123'    │

So playwright looks similar to puppeteer, svelete might be about 12% slower when tracing (whereas vanillajs is not slower)

krausest commented 2 years ago

But playwright sometimes gives me different (much closer) results:

│ (index) │  framework  │   clientTracing   │  clientNoTracing  │     timeline      │ clientFactor │
│    0    │ 'vanillajs' │ '84.963 (10.799)' │ '84.075 (10.440)' │ '84.455 (11.104)' │   '1.011'    │
│    1    │  'svelte'   │ '102.988 (8.807)' │ '99.100 (13.426)' │ '101.736 (9.176)' │   '1.039'    │

Needs more investigation...

krausest commented 2 years ago

I'm closing this issue, since chrome 100 forced me to switch away from chromedriver.