krawaller / kranium-demo
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Android, Runtime Error #2

Open milescui opened 12 years ago

milescui commented 12 years ago

Location: [1,0] app://kui/shims.js

Message: ReferenceError: "Window" is not defined.(app://kui/shims.js#1)

krawaller commented 12 years ago

I believe you are running Ti SDK >= 1.7.4, right?

Kranium has to be slightly rewritten to work with Ti SDK 1.8. However, for some reason Appcelerator backported these breaking changes for Android in 1.7.4. Please downgrade to Ti SDK 1.7.3 and you'll be fine for now.

milescui commented 12 years ago


I‘m running Ti SDK == 1.7.5

Now, I change SDK to 1.7.3, It's fine