krawaller / kranium

Brains for Titanium
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Fix defining tableviews in jade templates #1

Closed netpro2k closed 13 years ago

netpro2k commented 13 years ago

For example:

    - each msg, user in users
        row= user + ' says ' + msg
        button Hello

Would have written a test for this, but doesn't seem like you have a formal test suite set up (i just tested by dropping the above into kranium-demo test.jade )

Also, escaped the {}'s in the jade interpolation regex, since it was returning errors when running through Syntastic

Lastly, made minor changes to .gitignore to ignore .DS_store files (a must for people working on macs) and previous dist directories. Not sure what you policy is on building dist for each commit, but I have done so, feel free to exclude if you normally only update dist for releases.

krawaller commented 13 years ago

Hey! I had a bad conscience since I saw your request before i boarded my plane, but hadn't got the time to reply. Then when I step off the plane, you have already landed a fix! Oh, the beauty of Github!

As you say, I have to get the test suite on track. Gonna work on that!

Thanks a lot Dominick!