krawaller / kranium

Brains for Titanium
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Future Plans #13

Open nvdnkpr opened 12 years ago

nvdnkpr commented 12 years ago

Hi Jacob, kranium is a great library, since it's encourages the seperation of code and the reuse of built components.

What is your plan with it for the future ? Are you planning to build a community around it for exchanging some of the components ? As stated in the other issue: Are their any plans for splitting kranium into smaller parts with dependencies ?

Greetings Navid

krawaller commented 12 years ago

Hi Navid! Thanks for the encouragement!

I don't really have a clear roadmap for Kranium. It has grown organically since day one based on the situation I've found myself in. However, I do realize that now that it's growing up, a roadmap would be good both for me and the contributors as well as the users. As I'm not that used to creating road maps, I'd love your input and wishes.

I'm currently working on 0.2, and one of the big differences, apart from Titanium Mobile 1.8 support, is that it is broken up into modules with a small core. This gives less overhead, better speed and simplifies customization. I'd love to have a simple way of sharing components - maybe through npm or similar. Do you have any input on how you would like to see this component sharing set up?

Cheers /Jacob

nvdnkpr commented 12 years ago

It Looks Great For organically growed Library ;)

Sharing the components via NPM is a Good idea since nodejs is already a core dependency, and One already has a dependency management tool with it. NPM will then get a hard dependency but I think that's ok.

Splitting it up into components in my opinion should be done before migrating to 1.8.0 since you already have a working 1.7.3 version. I don't know how far the splitting or the Migrating has gone, but if you would break that into branches, one could help you with ideas and manpower. Currently I only have a small overview over the functions in the kranium.js lib but I learn it currently via bottom up analysis, putting the functions in to logical units (knowing that their are bigger units for backbone, jasmin, jade, etc....)

So as an idea, let's tag the 1.7.3 version and then branch the organical glued-together version into the two branches "spitting" and "migrating" which later then will be merged back into the master, being tagged as 0.2. So you could concentrate on "migrating" after you helped me to find a better overview to work on the "splitting" branch.

Cheers Navid

milescui commented 12 years ago

Hi krawaller

Kranium 0.2 when will it be released?

Cheers /Miles

krawaller commented 12 years ago

For the status of Kranium 0.2 and its Ti SDK 1.8 support, please see

I'll also try to create a roadmap for Kranium in the upcoming weeks after the 0.2 release.