krawaller / kranium

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extending ui modules #25

Open ziolmar opened 12 years ago

ziolmar commented 12 years ago

Firstly I would like to thank you for your great job with kraniumjs framework. We are using it to build our mobile app and right now all is going great. I have only one small question, about extending UI modules, I hope you could help me.

I want to extend Window module to add some new functions and I want that all new windows have this function. So I can create file gswindow.js where I placed:

exports.Class = Window.extend({ init: function(o){ ..... this._super(o); }, someFunction: function(){ alert('test'); } });

And now I would like to create for example login window, so I would like to extend gswindow (from above), like this:

exports.Class = gswindow.extend({ init: function(o){ ..... this._super(o); } });

I'm wondering how to achieve such behaviour? Please help :)