krazkidd / lineup

Softball lineup editor made with Nuxt 3 (Vue.js 3)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Animation for emoji reacts #8

Open krazkidd opened 9 months ago

krazkidd commented 9 months ago

Need a non-intrusive animation when scoreboard viewers react.

This functionality preferably should not introduce any new dependencies; Vue.js supports some basic animations out of the box. If a more involved animation is desired, a popular VueUse composable or Nuxt module may be permitted.

Ideally, some method should be provided to show multiple simultaneous reactions. Currently, only the latest reaction is shown. The inspiration for this is social media livestreams which support dozens or hundreds of on-screen reactions in a short timespan.

suhaspete commented 9 months ago

where do I have to upload sir, I have solved this issue.

krazkidd commented 9 months ago

Hi, @suhaspete! You only need to make a pull request! I see you have the badge for a merged PR. You will follow the same process:

  1. Fork the repo.
  2. Create a branch and commit your change to the branch.
  3. Push your new branch to GitHub.
  4. Make a pull request on my repository from yours.

Note that I am looking to solve the concurrency issue (not just the missing animation) so some collaboration may be needed here. But I'm curious how you approached this one.