krbaker / hass-sunpower

Home Assistant SunPower Integration using the local installer ethernet interface.
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KWH_to_Grid always zero, but Sunpower app reports power flowing to grid #34

Closed kpfleming closed 1 year ago

kpfleming commented 1 year ago

I suspect I've got a configuration issue somewhere in my system, but in any case... when I use the DeviceList API call I see neg_ltea_3phsum_kwh as zero. This is in spite of the fact that my system has generated ~20kWh excess power today, and the Sunpower mobile app reflects that.

Could I create a template sensor in HA which does the math to produce the equivalent of the 'KWH to Grid' sensor? @krbaker in another issue you reported that your system is connected in a way that 'KWH to Grid' is always zero, so how do you handle this?

kpfleming commented 1 year ago

It appears that I have resolved this issue by using 'sensor.lifetime_power' as the 'power to grid' sensor, and 'sensor.lifetime_power_2' as the 'power to home' sensor.

kpfleming commented 1 year ago

Spoke too soon... with this configuration things are better, but HA doesn't realize that the solar power is being consumed by the home, so it shows all of it going to the grid and then the home pulling its power from the grid. The net number in the Energy Dashboard is correct, but 'Self-consumed solar energy' is stuck at zero.

kpfleming commented 1 year ago

I gave up on trying to resolve this on the SunPower side, and just built HA template/integration sensors to do the 'right thing'.

Even if 'KWH to Grid' had been working as I expected, I don't think it would have been sufficient to feed the HA Energy Dashboard properly.