krbaker / hass-sunpower

Home Assistant SunPower Integration using the local installer ethernet interface.
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Unable to add sunvault to 'home battery storage' section #75

Open dlp688 opened 3 weeks ago

dlp688 commented 3 weeks ago

I created the Reimann sum helpers, but I am unable to select them in the energy dashboard. I am not able to find the sensors in the drop down, and if I copy and paste them in here, I am not able to save them.

Can't save: image

Here is what I have configured: image

Here is how i configured the riemann sensor: image

Is there something else I need to do for the battery integration to work on the energy panel?


dlp688 commented 3 weeks ago

It seems as though the virtual sunvault need to have the device_class set to 'power' per this doc, which then will allow the reimann sum to be used on the energy dashboard

krbaker commented 8 hours ago

I don't have an ESS, so I can't verify

It looks like those input/output values should be set correctly:,#L537

Can you post the devtools output to verify? (note I'm just showing an example in my system below) image

One note: the energy dashboard takes a few hours to find new data.. could that be it?