krbz999 / artichron

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Damage/Health Thresholds #89

Open NMyers17 opened 3 weeks ago

NMyers17 commented 3 weeks ago

The purposes of these would be to signify for both Players and Monsters how hurt they are and therefore how close they are to death. The bonus points of seperating out health into catergories is that it allows for more interesting abilities, items and adds a layer of complexity to fights.

Monsters For monsters these Thresholds should act like "Phases", a boss monster may have a certain set of abilities and act a certain way with normal health, but when they come bloodied, their abilities shift, they may gain additional resistances but lose their armour. The possibilites for this are quite literally endless.

It also adds a fun element to what may normally be a boring fight. And also helps to signify what monsters are "bosses" and what monsters are mobs.

Thresholds: Normal > Bloodied > Critical

You could divide the health bar into 3 and gain these attributes. I think for Monsters this would work best. However for Players I think it work better as the following:

Players Adding Health Thresholds to characters will do 2 things:

If Items or even certain items behaved differently depending on what health state you were at this could add a level of risk vs reward to the game. If my spell is enhanced when I'm Critical, I could wade into the thick of things to increase the chance of that, however there is a possibility that shortly after or even before! I'll go down before pulling off the said move. Again this doesn't need to be interactive items, maybe armour that is different the more you get hurt? Making you easier to hit but adding a reduction to incoming damage or vice versa.

Nothing written in stone, but the general ideas are here.

krbz999 commented 3 weeks ago

There are multiple things here:

I think point 2 needs some more examples, but point 1 sounds good to me as is.