kreait / laravel-firebase

A Laravel package for the Firebase PHP Admin SDK
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Large Image Support #144

Closed aleemb closed 1 year ago

aleemb commented 1 year ago

I have tried the below snippets on Android-Chrome versus Mac-Chrome, so using browser-push here and not native-app push notifications. I have also tried combining both the below into a single message.

$message = new RawMessageFromArray([
  'token' => $iid,
  'webpush' => [
    'notification' => [
      'title' => 'Test title lorem ipsum',
      'body' => 'Body test lorem ipsum dolor amet',
      'image' => '',
      'icon' => '',
      'badge' => '',
$messaging = $this->firebase->createMessaging();
$response = $messaging->send($message);

$message = new RawMessageFromArray([
  'token' => $iid,
  'notification' => [
      'title' => 'Test title lorem ipsum',
      'body' => 'Body test lorem ipsum dolor amet',
      'icon' => '',

$messaging = $this->firebase->createMessaging();
$response = $messaging->send($message);

The issue I am facing is that with the webpush I see a large 800x400 image and a 100x100 icon on Android-Chrome. However, on Mac-Chrome, the 100x100 icon is the main image and I can't get an icon to show. If I change the icon to 800x800 I get the larger image on Mac-Chrome but that breaks Android-Chrome which still shows it as the icon.

I have tried various permutations of icon/image/badge and notification/webpush but not sure what I'm missing. There are sites which send the correct notification across all (large Image + Icon on Android-Chrome and on Mac-Chrome).

Am I missing something here? Are services like OneSignal managing to accomplish this by tracking the device types and sending different payloads to the various device groups?

jeromegamez commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry, but how to configure a message so that it is handled by the clients in a certain way is out of the scope of this package so I can't provide support here. I think this question is better suited on StackOverflow. 🤞