kreait / laravel-firebase

A Laravel package for the Firebase PHP Admin SDK
MIT License
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Invalid Service Account #147

Closed Zein0 closed 1 year ago

Zein0 commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to send a message yet I've had multiple errors regarding what I assume is Firebase credentials the recent error suggest

Invalid service account: Cannot use SplFileObject with directories", my .env

FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS='{"type": "service_account","project_id": "testgithub-gye656","private_key_id": "c054ef3104bb7cc9refwdqve","private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----****/N-----END PRIVATE KEY-----","client_email": "","client_id": "324212134324","auth_uri": "","token_uri": "","auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "","client_x509_cert_url": ""}'


class FirebaseService
    public static function connect()
        $firebase = (new Factory)

        return $firebase->createMessaging();
Techscq commented 1 year ago

The issue is with ur



You're using the file content(JSON format) in a variable(it should work in other scenarios but not with .env variables), please use the path to the file. Store it on you're WORKSPACEPATH then set the variables like this =>



Remember to move the Credentials file to a secure path on production ;), this should fix the issue if it doesn't try generating a new JSON Credential file, also don't use " on the firebase configuration vars

RizwanNaasir commented 1 year ago

I was using app('firebase.messaging'); but under the hood it tries to utilize env() directly. so just you should do this way

 public function connect(): Messaging
      $firebase = (new Factory)->withServiceAccount(base_path(config('services.firebase.credentials')));
      return $firebase->createMessaging();

as mentioned by @Techscq !