kreait / laravel-firebase

A Laravel package for the Firebase PHP Admin SDK
MIT License
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Unable to Connect CURL Error:28 #183

Closed VigneshSundhar4398 closed 1 year ago

VigneshSundhar4398 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

While i use firebase service thorugh this package i got a issue like this Unable to connect to the API:cURL error 28:Failed to connect to port 443:Connection Timed out Screenshot_20230525-194022

Installed packages

"kreait/firebase-php": "6.9.0",

PHP version and extensions

"php": "^8.1",

Steps to reproduce the issue.

# Insert the commands issued in the terminal if they are needed
# to reproduce the issue. Otherwise, delete this code block.
// Insert the PHP code to reproduce the issue. Please ensure that it is code that
// can be copy pasted to reproduce it.

Error message/Stack trace


Additional information


jeromegamez commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, as the error message says, this is a connection/network problem between where your application is running and the Firebase servers, either on your side or on the side of Firebase.

Unfortunately, this is nothing that can be fixed from within the SDK.