kreait / laravel-firebase

A Laravel package for the Firebase PHP Admin SDK
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Undefined property always whenever tries to use signInWithEmailAndPassword or getUserByEmail #88

Closed sakjain02 closed 3 years ago

sakjain02 commented 3 years ago

If user exist in firebase I am calling $auth->signInWithEmailAndPassword($user->email,$request->password) and getting this error on login "Undefined property: Kreait\Firebase\Auth\SignInResult::$uuid"

Second case when using $auth->getUserByEmail($email)-- Undefined property: Kreait\Firebase\Auth\UserRecord::$uuid"

If user doesn't exist in firebase I am calling $auth->createUserWithEmailAndPassword($user->email, $request->password); Then it is creating entry successfully. But the problem is when I sign in Package version 3.1 PHP 7.3 Laravel 8

Thank You

jeromegamez commented 3 years ago

createUser* and getUser* return a UserRecord - here you can access the Firebase User ID via the uid property, see

When you sign in a user with one of the signIn* methods, a SignInResult is returned - here you can access the Firebase User Id via the firebaseUserId() method, see

A uuid property is exposed nowhere, I wonder why you thought it was 😅

sakjain02 commented 3 years ago

Thank You. For pointing out the mistake I did. 😅