The latest versions of lavadynamics (lavadynamics-1.12.2-5.6.12), with the spawn-chunk protection in the config, doesn't seem to create volcanoes at all, if set to do during word-gen. I tried these settings (they seemed most likely to allow frequent obvious volcanoes!) but nothing appears anywhere:
The latest versions of lavadynamics (lavadynamics-1.12.2-5.6.12), with the spawn-chunk protection in the config, doesn't seem to create volcanoes at all, if set to do during word-gen. I tried these settings (they seemed most likely to allow frequent obvious volcanoes!) but nothing appears anywhere:
I:distance=200 B:protectChunks=false B:spawnChunks=true I:spawnDistance=5 I:volcanoChance=100 I:volcanoHeightMax=101 I:volcanoHeightMin=50 B:worldGen=true
(When I set worldgen=false they do spawn fine).