kreibaum / pacosako

This code drives the website where you can play Paco Ŝako.
MIT License
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Replay partially missing #104

Closed kreibaum closed 1 year ago

kreibaum commented 1 year ago

The replay in is missing the last move.

kreibaum commented 1 year ago

kreibaum commented 1 year ago

kreibaum commented 1 year ago

This always happens when a pawn unites with the enemy king on the home row. Here is a minimal reproduction:

The previous examples all had chains as last move, but this is not required.

This does not happen if the pawn-king union happens on any other row:

kreibaum commented 1 year ago

The issue was, that "half moves" would only be considered finished when the controlling player changes. This doesn't properly happen when there is a promotion at the end of the move. Now ending the game is also added.

There is still the related issue of a non-finished half move not showing up in the replay, but I'll not worry about that issue with this ticket.