krescruz / angular-materialize

Angularjs directives for Materialize CSS Framework
MIT License
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load with browserify? #116

Open anthonyettinger opened 8 years ago

anthonyettinger commented 8 years ago

Is there an example of loading this with browserify?

sis commented 8 years ago

+1 can't seem to get it to work with browserify, starting to go a bit insane

webbiesdk commented 8 years ago

The big problem of getting this library to work with browserify, is getting Materialize to work with browserify.

I managed to do that for one of my own projects (where i use React, so I didn't have to include this library). I don't have it on GitHub, so here is a Dropbox link if you are interrested:, just use require("[path to materialize.js"]); After that is included, you should be able to include this library as well. (But remember the dependencies, both jQuery and AngularJS)

But untill there is official browserify support from Materialize, there is not going to be any official browserify support from here. That means we are waiting for: Dogfalo/materialize#923

JCron245 commented 7 years ago

Maybe this has been resolved but I have no problem using Angular-Materialize with browserify. I made a base project for building out webpages with angular/materializecss/angular-materialize, you can see how I have it setup at