Closed AuBeTeX closed 1 month ago
Hi! got one grbl in te attachment...
Log: `
Jul 28 20:46:38 CNC-pi cncjs[458]: PID:657> progress info ... line: 37000/40794
Jul 28 20:46:39 CNC-pi cncjs[458]: PID:657> progress info ... line: 38000/40794
Jul 28 20:46:40 CNC-pi cncjs[458]: PID:657> progress info ... line: 39000/40794
Jul 28 20:46:40 CNC-pi cncjs[458]: PID:657> progress info ... line: 40000/40794
Jul 28 20:46:41 CNC-pi cncjs[458]: PID:657> AL: loading new gcode #AL:Kútvezérlő ...)
Jul 28 20:46:41 CNC-pi cncjs[458]: PID:657> Leveling applied
Jul 28 20:46:44 CNC-pi cncjs[458]: PID:657> Connected to ws://localhost:80?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NTg5NDM3NDcsImV4cCI6MTY2MTUzNTc0N30.FCFxDyS8qNauM2KJybJ1aN3G-0bW4Fc-9UcqBlRMoB8
Jul 28 20:46:45 CNC-pi cncjs[458]: PID:657> Connected to port "/dev/ttyUSB0" (Baud rate: 115200)
Jul 28 20:46:45 CNC-pi cncjs[458]: PID:657> gcode loaded: Kútvezérlő
Jul 28 20:46:45 CNC-pi cncjs[458]: PID:657> gcode loaded: Kútvezérlő
Jul 28 20:46:45 CNC-pi cncjs[458]: gcode loaded: Kútvezérlő
Jul 28 20:46:45 CNC-pi cncjs[458]: PID:657> Loading previous probe from __last_Z_probe.txt
About the big files - I noticed this before, the problem seem to be in CNCjs socket API, upload of big files to CNCjs via socket API seem to fail (above certain file size). Maybe there is a setting in CNCjs to remove this limit - to be checked if this becomes a problem for normal use. There is also an option (-o) to define the output directory where the output auto-leveled file is stored - so if the automatic upload to CNCjs fails, you can always manually load the output file into CNCjs.
As for copper cleaning paths - I did not find the copper cleaning gcode file in the attached zip to check what may be the problem:
About removing the comments/notes - I created a fix so that full line comments are preserved i.e. comment like (MSG, Change to Tool Dia = 1.9600) would be simply copied to output.
BR, Kresimir
Yes the cleaning file is left out. in the attachment has 2. With multi tool and a one tool version The multi tool version is looks like an one tool but no. Flatcam error.
Thanks the fix.
A question... While your program modify the cnc file, put someone a modified grbl? So the program do that, i can download, and upload manulally to cncjs avoided the cncjs socket api problem.
I created an 5 pass 2 level isolation routing, then (of course) the AL is not succes that file :)
Thanks Again!
There is an -o
Sorry, if i'm stupid...
This command line option is where?
This is not working:
cd /root/cncjs-kt-ext/
node . --socket-port 80 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 -o /home/root/
this works for me:
/usr/local/bin/node /home/pi/cncjs-kt-ext/index.js -o /home/pi/cncprog
maybe you have no write rights to "/home/root/" or that folder does not exist (did you mean actually to use /root/)?
Note also that the file is created there after whole process is completed.
BR, Kresimir
Yes, i'm run all with root to be avoided all permission problem. So this command need to run after applying AL in the console?
I'm Trying.
So this command need to run after applying AL in the console?
No, you need to start the cncjs-kt-ext with that option -o before using AL (and keep it running, as you would normally use it). The program will automaticaly write the file to that defined output folder as soon as AL is finished (but nothing will be written to that file while AL is still being executed).
Sorry but i'm bother again.
After a long pause, i'm try to create a new board. I reclone the kt-ext from github, and try to re apply the height map, that previously saved. But "no previous autolevel points" i try to open heightmap then close and overwrite the saved height map but no success.
I'm can't create a new height map, because the PCB milling is started and always has some point on the milled route.
How can i resolve this?
I have a question. Witch point is the zero? Where measure the initial point, the origin of autoleveling?
The lower left corner (xmin, ymin) is where the Z0 is set --> this is the first point that is probed
code.push(`G0 X${xmin.toFixed(3)} Y${ymin.toFixed(3)} Z${this.height}`)
code.push(`G38.2 Z-${this.height + 1} F${this.feed / 2}`)
code.push(`G10 L20 P1 Z0`) // set the z zero
BR, Kresimir
Thanks the reply. But then i don't understand. I'm loaded a 0.3 mm circular tool, then set the zero. I'm loaded the copper cleaning grbl, started the autoleveler, with heightmap saving. When the autoleveler is done, i'm load the isolation map, apply the height map, then start milling. The milling is perfect. After that, i change the tool a 0.8 circular, then set the zero on x0,y0. After loaded the copper cleaning map, i'm applyed the height map, and start the milling. But this milling is horrible. Why working on isolation milling, and why not on copper cleaning? I'm Attached the files. and the picture.
Have any idea, what i'm doing wrong?
Can you try to zero second tool on lower left corner ==> xmin, ymin (i.e. at X4.77 Y-51.3 Z0 , the tool should be touching surface of the board). It seems x0,y0 is actually upper left corner for your pcb, based files provided
I'm trying!
Sorry, but something not clear. My board (the ncc) lover left corner is is x-0.6 y-51.7. The heightmap is created from ncc file.
So use that coordinates?
It should be OK to zero it anywhere close to that point (i.e. +-3mm), it does not have to be 100% exactly the same point as the height does not change significantly
I'm again... Sorry.
So I'm upgraded the cncjs to 1.10.3 and tryed to use. but the extension works odd. The scanning is done, The height map file looks good, The appliing is done look like without error But the result is:
32M03S300.0 33G01F60.00 34G00 X0.000 Y0.000 Z25.164 ; Z25.000 35G00 X1.166 Y-2.211 Z25.139 ; Z25.000 36G00 X2.333 Y-4.423 Z25.114 ; Z25.000 37G00 X3.499 Y-6.634 Z25.091 ; Z25.000 38G00 X4.665 Y-8.845 Z25.069 ; Z25.000 39G00 X5.832 Y-11.056 Z25.050 ; Z25.000 40G00 X6.998 Y-13.268 Z25.032 ; Z25.000 41G00 X8.164 Y-15.479 Z25.013 ; Z25.000 42G00 X8.481 Y-16.079 Z25.009 ; Z25.000 43G01F60.00 44G01 X8.481 Y-16.079 Z25.009 ; Z25.000 45G01 X8.481 Y-16.079 Z22.509 ; Z22.500 46G01 X8.481 Y-16.079 Z20.009 ; Z20.000 47G01 X8.481 Y-16.079 Z17.509 ; Z17.500 48G01 X8.481 Y-16.079 Z15.009 ; Z15.000 49G01 X8.481 Y-16.079 Z12.509 ; Z12.500 50G01 X8.481 Y-16.079 Z10.009 ; Z10.000 G01 X8.481 Y-16.079 Z7.509 ; Z7.500 52G01 X8.481 Y-16.079 Z5.009 ; Z5.000 53G01 X8.481 Y-16.079 Z2.509 ; Z2.500 54G01 X8.481 Y-16.079 Z0.009 ; Z0.000 55G01F60.00 56G01 X8.481 Y-16.079 Z0.009 ; Z0.000 57G01 X8.494 Y-16.168 Z0.008 ; Z0.000 58G01 X8.494 Y-16.168 Z0.008 ; Z0.000 59G01 X8.518 Y-16.262 Z0.007 ; Z0.000 60G01 X8.518 Y-16.262 Z0.007 ; Z0.000 61G01 X8.550 Y-16.354 Z0.007 ; Z0.000 62G01 X8.550 Y-16.354 Z0.007 ; Z0.000 63G01 X8.589 Y-16.436 Z0.006 ; Z0.000 64G01 X8.589 Y-16.436 Z0.006 ; Z0.000 65G01 X8.595 Y-16.448 Z0.006 ; Z0.000 66G01 X8.595 Y-16.448 Z0.006 ; Z0.000 67G01 X8.638 Y-16.519 Z0.005 ; Z0.000 68G01 X8.638 Y-16.519 Z0.005 ; Z0.000 69G01 X8.646 Y-16.531 Z0.005 ; Z0.000 70G01 X8.646 Y-16.531 Z0.005 ; Z0.000 71G01 X8.700 Y-16.603 Z0.005 ; Z0.000 72G01 X8.700 Y-16.603 Z0.005 ; Z0.000 73G01 X8.765 Y-16.675 Z0.004 ; Z0.000 74G01 X8.765 Y-16.675 Z0.004 ; Z0.000 75G01 X8.837 Y-16.740 Z0.004 ; Z0.000 76G01 X8.837 Y-16.740 Z0.004 ; Z0.000 77G01 X8.915 Y-16.798 Z0.003 ; Z0.000 78G01 X8.915 Y-16.798 Z0.003 ; Z0.000 79G01 X8.998 Y-16.848 Z0.003 ; Z0.000 80G01 X8.998 Y-16.848 Z0.003 ; Z0.000 81G01 X9.080 Y-16.887 Z0.002 ; Z0.000
there is no god for the PCB to be so straight, at least based on manual touches So any idea? i know, i'm doing wrong :)
On the attachment is a scanned height map, modified cnc file and the unmodified cnc file..
Ok i'm doing wrong. Sorry.
A have another problem. But thats a next issue.
Sorry again.
Sorry about this new bothering. I'm created a copper removal GRBL. The file (because the 8.99 flatcam is buggy, and only one thin tool is used) is a little big (33mb). Unfortunately, i'm deleted after unsuccessful auto leveling. The autoleveler, is got the file and the logs shows the working on it. 0-to ~150000 lines. Then Printed in the log the reloading message, but the modified file is not loaded to cncjs. It is not a big problem, the file is big because the flatcam is do something wrong. i'm cant reproduce this big file.
Now created a smaller multi tool GRBL on this, the work is done. But looks like something not ok. See the attached picture. The isolation routing dreamy nice and precise, but the copper cleaning is odd. I'm attached the original grbl if you testing it. Im attached the height map, but i'm can't known where is the uploaded or modified GRBL in cncjs,
And another problem, when the program is modify the GRBL why delete the notes? When comes a toolchange routine, i not see what tool is need, because the tool dia message is vanished. " M6
(MSG, Change to Tool Dia = 1.9600) M0 " in a two tool GRBL is not a big problem, but in a 10 tool GRBL is mutch bigger.
Thank you for work!