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A Programming Environment for TypeScript & Deno
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Add todomvc or more complex/real-life example #36

Closed hwclass closed 5 years ago

hwclass commented 7 years ago

Hi @zaiste,

Firstly, I really like the idea behind this framework. If it evolves with the community around itself, we'll see interesting results for the framework in the near future, I think. Good work, @zaiste.

Maybe have an example of more complex usage of huncwot with a todo app or something would be nice. If no one is volunteer, I would be on it.



zaiste commented 7 years ago

@hwclass You are absolutely right, the real-life is a must-have. About 2 months ago I did a small workshop about Huncwot to non-programmers.

Here's the thing we created:

It's slightly outdated as I switched from Redux to MobX, but I plan to have a nice working example based on that. Any help would be appreciated!

hwclass commented 7 years ago

I would also hope to help you, just let's align with where I may begin.. ;)

zaiste commented 7 years ago

@hwclass I've just added an example of a simple todo app written using GraphQL. I'd be happy to have your feedback on it

zaiste commented 5 years ago

Here's another comprehensive example app that evolves along with the framework: