we have found another problem with DIMA where I would very much appreciate your help. When using a small data set with <<1000 rows, we get the following error:
Error in coef[i, 1:length(coefficients(fit))] <- stats::coefficients(fit) :
object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
Calls: dimarLearnPattern
Execution halted
For reproducing the error, please find attached a small data file input.csv. The following code snippet was used for testing:
df <- read.table("input.csv", sep='\t', header=TRUE)
rownames(df) <- df$UID
dfv <- df[,-which(names(df) %in% c("UID"))]
mtx <- as.matrix(dfv)
mtx <- DIMAR::dimarMatrixPreparation(mtx, nacut = 2)
dimarLearnPattern <- function(mtx) {
# Subsample indices
if (nrow(mtx) > 1000) {
nsub <- ceiling(nrow(mtx) / 1000)
indrand <- sample(1:nrow(mtx), nrow(mtx))
npersub <- ceiling(nrow(mtx) / nsub)
coef <- matrix(,nrow=nsub,ncol=(npersub+dim(mtx)[2]+2))
} else {
nsub <- 1
ind <- 1:nrow(mtx)
for (i in 1:nsub) {
# i <- 1
if (nsub > 1) {
if (i==nsub) {
ind <- indrand[(npersub*(i-1)+1):length(indrand)]
} else {
ind <- indrand[(npersub*(i - 1) + 1):(npersub*i)]
design <- DIMAR::dimarConstructDesignMatrix(mtx[ind,])
design <- DIMAR::dimarConstructRegularizationMatrix(design)
#fit <- stats::glm.fit(X,y,family=stats::binomial(),weights=rep(1,dim(X)[1]))
fit <- stats::glm.fit(design$X, design$y, family = stats::binomial())
coef[i,1:length(coefficients(fit))] <- stats::coefficients(fit)
# sort row coefficients, intensity/column coefficients are set to mean over nsub (for loop)
if (nsub > 1) {
idx <- which(design$Xtype!=3)
coef <- c(colMeans(coef[,idx]), sort(coef[,setdiff(1:dim(coef)[2],idx)]))
print('Pattern of MVs is learned by logistic regression.')
coef <- dimarLearnPattern(mtx)
I assume the problem lies in not initialising the coef variable in cases with < 1000 rows but I am not sufficiently familiar with DIMA to add the proper matrix myself. I would be great if you could have a look at this.
Dear Julian,
thanks for the message! The package is updated accordingly. Update the package by e.g. devtools::install_github("kreutz-lab/DIMAR") and try again. Let me know if it works.
Hi Janine,
we have found another problem with DIMA where I would very much appreciate your help. When using a small data set with <<1000 rows, we get the following error:
For reproducing the error, please find attached a small data file input.csv. The following code snippet was used for testing:
I assume the problem lies in not initialising the coef variable in cases with < 1000 rows but I am not sufficiently familiar with DIMA to add the proper matrix myself. I would be great if you could have a look at this.