kriasoft / universal-router

A simple middleware-style router for isomorphic JavaScript web apps
MIT License
1.7k stars 104 forks source link

Will universal-router be maintained in the near future? #135

Open adrian-moisa opened 6 years ago

adrian-moisa commented 6 years ago

Sounds like a dummy question but let's review some context. I have been working with angularjs, angular2 and react in the previous years and all of them have popular routing solutions. Now I'm trying to ditch frameworks in favor of native web components. So far I managed to build a basic demo. Now I need to setup a proper routing solution. I've been looking around for possible solutions and I have found Visionmedia page, Flatiron director and App-router. All of them seem to have been abandoned by the maintainers. for more than 2 years. I am looking for a router that will be around for the foreseeable future.

So basically I need some reassurance about the future of universal-router. The project I build I expect it to be alive for several years. Looking at the contribution graphs it looks like the repository is really healthy.

frenzzy commented 6 years ago

Hey @adrian-moisa, thank you for your interest. This project is maintained since Mid 2015 by @kriasoft org and used in popular projects such as React Starter Kit (15k stars) and React Static Boilerplate (3k stars) supported by the same maintainer. These projects are alive and actively used in real-life products. So yes, I think it will be maintained in the near future.

Upcoming project updates: add more recipes, improve website and maybe implement an option for custom global error handler.

adrian-moisa commented 6 years ago

Thank you for the quick answer. I have already started implementing the library. So it looks like I'm going to stick around. 👍

ghost commented 6 years ago

+1 - also moving to native web components and looking for a good router solution. Nice to see this solution will be maintained into the future.

adrian-moisa commented 6 years ago

@chrismbeckett I will publish soon a npm module that bridges the gap between universal router and web components. Currently if you use universal router together with web components as indicated in the Quickstart tutorial, usage with React you will have lots of trouble with rendering the routes in an efficient way. Due to the fact that react uses a virtual dom the update of the view is already efficient by default.

For webcomponents it is necessary to use a <router-outlet> component that updates only the nested web components that are synced with the routes. For this you need to generate a tree of routes using universal router and than parse that tree to actually update the web components tree in an efficient way. Right now I'm working on a prototype that fixes this issue. I will publish in on github as soon as I have a stable version.

I'm also working on nano data binding solution for web components that will remove all the boilerplate involved in setting up nested web components in large scale apps. It will have the typical DSL that you see in an angular app but using far less code (400 LOC so far). It is design with limitations used to encourage functional reactive programming (state store) instead of manipulating data in the "controllers". My intent is to provide a lightweight data binding solution for web components that anybody can understand end to end in just 30 mins of study.

I'll keep you updated as soon as I have published a minimal working version (beginning of January).

Christian24 commented 5 years ago

@adrian-moisa that sounds awesome. Any update on that?

fehmi commented 3 years ago

Looks like it is not possible...