krijnsent / crypto_vba

An Excel/VBA project to communicate with various cryptocurrency exchanges APIs
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Trouble completing request function for LocalBitcoins #43

Closed bluequasi closed 5 years ago

bluequasi commented 5 years ago

I've adapted the access code for LocalBitcoins API (, but I have problems for POST request. The GET request is working fine. I've posted a question on stackoverflow along with the code used: Maybe someone more experienced can spare the time and maybe give me a hint on this.

Great work here Koen. Road opener. Thanks!

bluequasi commented 5 years ago

I've just solved the issue realizing that I was using an only read api key. Anyway this is the code in case someone need to use it

`Function PrivateLocalBTC(Method As String, endpoint As String, Optional params As String) As String

Dim NonceUnique As String NonceUnique = CreateNonce(13) TradeApiSite = "" apikey = "..............." secretkey = "............"

Message = NonceUnique & apikey & endpoint & params apisign = ComputeHash_C("SHA256", Message, secretkey, "STRHEX") If params <> "" Then urlparams = "?" & params Url = TradeApiSite & endpoint & urlparams

Set objHTTP = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") objHTTP.Open Method, Url, False objHTTP.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)" objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Apiauth-Key", apikey objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Apiauth-Nonce", NonceUnique objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Apiauth-Signature", apisign objHTTP.Send params

objHTTP.waitForResponse PrivateLocalBTC = objHTTP.ResponseText Set objHTTP = Nothing End Function`