kripken / box2d.js

Port of Box2D to JavaScript using Emscripten
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iOS 5.1.1: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Float64Array #6

Open unphased opened 11 years ago

unphased commented 11 years ago

I can verify that iOS 6 (iPhone 5) supports Float64Array and box2d.js runs fantastically there.

But I need to support older systems and my iPad is on 5.1.1.

I know you have emscripten options to build stuff for using different features (typed arrays or not, and so forth), so it looks like at the very least I'll be able to get it working on older browsers by recompiling with a more compatible setting.

My question is... Is there a mechanism that can dynamically choose which version to run based on typed arrays availability? Also iOS 5 appears to support some of typed arrays, just not the Float64Array.

I then attempted to use this TypedArray shim:

The error produced is:

Assertion failed: Cannot fallback to non-typed array case: Code is too specialized: undefined

kripken commented 11 years ago

There is no good way to fake Float64Array I am afraid. We don't have a solution for browsers that are too old to support it.

unphased commented 11 years ago

Do you consider it reasonable to have both a non typed array and typed array implementation and serve the correct version after detecting whether the client supports float64array or not?

unphased commented 11 years ago

Related issue that mentions this Float64Array issue under emscripten:

I have successfully taken the box2d.js file, and replaced instances of "Float64Array" inside of it with "Float32Array" and the resulting code works now on Safari 5.

I wonder how far back we can go with browser versions and have emscriptened box2d code work. I might be back to post a browser compatibility report.

kripken commented 11 years ago

I am a little surprised it works with replacing to Float32Array. Perhaps the code is lucky and does not do things like double-int64 conversions which absolutely need Float64Array.

Let me know how your modified version works across browsers. Also, how much did you test? I'm worried some weird problem might happen in a corner of the code.

But maybe I am too cautious and we should add an option to build with Float32Array (with a big warning)?

unphased commented 11 years ago

I have been using a really small test case (box shape inside a 4-vert chainshape) that I tested today and saw it worked starting from Firefox version 10 (and safari 5 of course as was the original goal).

There are only two references to Float64Array in the box2d.js code which were replaced. I imagine you'd know a good amount about what kind of behaviors might result by this replacement, but I'll be sure to post back with any of my findings. For starters, the check to display that message I mentioned from earlier (Cannot fallback to non-typed array case: Code is too specialized) accounts for one of these references.

I'm still unable to get emscripten to successfully build box2d for me on my macbook so I will keep working away at that also. I'd gotten through all the compilation errors but it produces a JS script that produces errors (a value that should be a function turns out to be the value 0).

kripken commented 11 years ago

One possible issue is double-int64 conversions, which can be added by the LLVM optimizer in unexpected places. Hard to know where to look for them.

Sounds like an odd error with the built script on your machine. If you can't figure it out try with -O2 --closure 0 (generally the most readable code) and let me know if you get stuck.

unphased commented 11 years ago

I've got this (compiled with -O2 --closure 0) ... It's trying to call a 0 value as a function :

error error 2

kripken commented 11 years ago

Looks like a null pointer perhaps? Check the values in the expression that generates $25. I don't know why this would happen though. Is this with LLVM 3.1 and latest emscripten? What OS?

unphased commented 11 years ago

Yes LLVM 3.1, I obtained the binary from LLVM site, and using emscripten from the github. Machine is OS X 10.7.4.

It just looks like $25 pulls values out of HEAP32 with two hops, I don't imagine it'd be very easy to track this down to anything meaningful.

kripken commented 11 years ago

Very odd. Perhaps try to run the emscripten test suite and see if there are any failures.

unphased commented 11 years ago

I have tried emscripten test suite "sanity" run on Ubuntu 12.04 x64 guest in VirtualBox on OSX 10.7.4 host.

I have install node, it is accessible on the command line using node, but it looks like emscripten is unable to find it.

On the linux system the command js also seems to run node.

slu@slu-VirtualBox:~/Documents/kripken-emscripten-e2575e4$ python tests/ sanity

Running sanity checks.
WARNING: This will modify ~/.emscripten, and in theory can break it although it should be restored properly. A backup will be saved in ~/.emscripten_backup

(Emscripten: Running sanity checks)
test_aaa_normal (__main__.sanity) ... ok
test_closure_compiler (__main__.sanity) ... ok
test_emcc (__main__.sanity) ... ok
test_emcc_caching (__main__.sanity) ... 2160544 2303668 825132
2160544 2303668 825132
2160544 2303668 825132
test_firstrun (__main__.sanity) ... 
        throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: Cannot find module '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-e2575e4/a.out.js'
    at Function._resolveFilename (module.js:332:11)
    at Function._load (module.js:279:25)
    at Array.0 (module.js:479:10)
    at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:192:41)
test_llvm (__main__.sanity) ... ok

ERROR: test_firstrun (__main__.sanity)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tests/", line 9425, in test_firstrun
    self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'), output)
  File "tests/", line 281, in assertContained
Exception: Expected to find 'hello, world!' in '', diff:

--- expected
+++ actual
@@ -1 +1 @@
-hello, world!

('', '\nemcc invocation:  /home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-e2575e4/emcc /home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-e2575e4/tests/hello_world.c \nwarning: Could not verify LLVM version: [Errno 2] No such file or directory\n(Emscripten: Running sanity checks)\nFATAL: Cannot find clang++, check the paths in ~/.emscripten\n')

Ran 6 tests in 82.784s

FAILED (errors=1)

On the OSX machine itself:

$ tests/ sanity

Running sanity checks.
WARNING: This will modify ~/.emscripten, and in theory can break it although it should be restored properly. A backup will be saved in ~/.emscripten_backup

(Emscripten: Running sanity checks)
Checking JS engine ['js', '-m', '-n', '-e', "gcparam('maxBytes', 1024*1024*1024);"] failed. Check ~/.emscripten. Details: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
WARNING: Not all the JS engines in JS_ENGINES appears to work, ignoring those.
test_aaa_normal (__main__.sanity) ... ok
test_closure_compiler (__main__.sanity) ... ok
test_emcc (__main__.sanity) ... ok
test_emcc_caching (__main__.sanity) ... 2175572 2321152 829808
2175572 2321152 829808
2175572 2321152 829808
test_firstrun (__main__.sanity) ... 
        throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: Cannot find module '/Users/stevenlu443/Documents/emscripten/a.out.js'
    at Function._resolveFilename (module.js:332:11)
    at Function._load (module.js:279:25)
    at Array.0 (module.js:479:10)
    at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:192:40)
test_llvm (__main__.sanity) ... ok

ERROR: test_firstrun (__main__.sanity)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tests/", line 9080, in test_firstrun
    self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'), output)
  File "tests/", line 278, in assertContained
Exception: Expected to find 'hello, world!' in '', diff:

--- expected
+++ actual
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-hello, world!

('', '\nemcc invocation:  /Users/stevenlu443/Documents/emscripten/emcc /Users/stevenlu443/Documents/emscripten/tests/hello_world.c \n(Emscripten: Running sanity checks)\nFATAL: Cannot find /usr/bin/llvm-link, check the paths in ~/.emscripten\n')

Ran 6 tests in 72.713s

FAILED (errors=1)
kripken commented 11 years ago

'sanity' is a small subset of the tests. Please try python tests/ default.

unphased commented 11 years ago

Indeed. I have been trying to run that. WIth a 1GB RAM virtual machine it failed 7 tests (looked like all of them were because of node running out of memory) so I have it now running with 4GB RAM...

It's looking good though. I was able to compile a box2d.js which does run! It behaves slightly different than the box2d.js packaged in this github project but having it work at all is a huge step forward.

unphased commented 11 years ago

I'm wondering if you could scan through this test output and tell me if it is python that appears to be running out of stack space, or something else?

slu@slu-VirtualBox:~/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359$ tests/ 

Running the main part of the test suite. Don't forget to run the other parts!

  sanity - tests for first run, etc., modifies ~/.emscripten
  benchmark - run before and after each set of changes before pushing to
              master, verify no regressions
  browser - runs pages in a web browser

To run one of those parts, do something like

  python tests/ sanity

To run a specific set of tests, you can do things like

  python tests/ o1

(that runs the o1 (-O1) tests). You can run individual tests with

  python tests/ test_hello_world

Combinations work too, for example

  python tests/ browser.test_sdl_image

In the main test suite, you can run all variations (O0, O1, O2, etc.) of
an individual test with

  python tests/ ALL.test_hello_world


Running Emscripten tests...
(Emscripten: Running sanity checks)
test_addr_of_stacked (__main__.default) ... ok
test_alloca (__main__.default) ... ok
test_alloca_stack (__main__.default) ... ok
test_array2 (__main__.default) ... ok
test_array2b (__main__.default) ... ok
test_assert (__main__.default) ... ok
test_atexit (__main__.default) ... ok
test_atoX (__main__.default) ... ok
test_atomic (__main__.default) ... ok
test_autodebug (__main__.default) ... Warning: Disabling SKIP_STACK_IN_SMALL because we are apparently processing autodebugger data
Warning: Disabling SKIP_STACK_IN_SMALL because we are apparently processing autodebugger data
test_bigarray (__main__.default) ... ok
test_bitfields (__main__.default) ... ok
test_bsearch (__main__.default) ... ok
test_bswap (__main__.default) ... ok
test_cases (__main__.default) ... Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcast2'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/gepoverflow'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/loadbitcastgep'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phiself'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/issue_39'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/alignedunaligned'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/selectstruct'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phicubed'...
Warning: Disabling SKIP_STACK_IN_SMALL because we are apparently processing autodebugger data
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/extendedprecision'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/allocavartop'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/sillybitcast'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/longjmp_tiny'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/dash'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/inttoptr'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phinonexist'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/uadd_overflow'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/trace'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/ncurly'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcastdollar'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phientryimplicitmoar'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/emptystruct'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/frem'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/complexphi'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/ptrtoint_blockaddr'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/storestruct'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/unaligneddouble'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/ptrtoi64'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/quoted'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/subnums'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phientryimplicit'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/breakinthemiddle'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/unannotated'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phientryimplicitmix'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/i64toi8star'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcast'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/legalizer_ta2'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/funcptr'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/quotedlabel'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcast3'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/atomicrmw'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/invokebitcast'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/514_ta2'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/trunc'...
test_ccall (__main__.default) ... ok
test_check_overflow (__main__.default) ... ok
test_class (__main__.default) ... ok
test_constglobalstructs (__main__.default) ... ok
test_conststructs (__main__.default) ... ok
test_copyop (__main__.default) ... ok
test_ctype (__main__.default) ... ok
test_cube2hash (__main__.default) ... <building and saving into cache> ok
test_cube2md5 (__main__.default) ... ok
test_cubescript (__main__.default) ... ok
test_debug (__main__.default) ... ok
test_direct_string_constant_usage (__main__.default) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_dlfcn_alias (__main__.default) ... ok
test_dlfcn_basic (__main__.default) ... ok
test_dlfcn_data_and_fptr (__main__.default) ... ok
test_dlfcn_qsort (__main__.default) ... ok
test_dlfcn_varargs (__main__.default) ... ok
test_dlmalloc (__main__.default) ... ok
test_dynamic_cast (__main__.default) ... ok
test_emptyclass (__main__.default) ... ok
test_emscripten_api (__main__.default) ... ok
test_env (__main__.default) ... ok
test_errar (__main__.default) ... ok
test_exceptions (__main__.default) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_exit_status (__main__.default) ... ok
test_fakestat (__main__.default) ... Number of named fields must match the type for %struct.stat: possibly duplicate struct names. Cannot return structInfo
test_fannkuch (__main__.default) ... ok
test_fasta (__main__.default) ... ok
test_fcntl (__main__.default) ... ok
test_fcntl_misc (__main__.default) ... ok
test_fcntl_open (__main__.default) ... ok
test_fgetc_unsigned (__main__.default) ... ok
test_files (__main__.default) ... ok
test_files_m (__main__.default) ... ok
test_floatvars (__main__.default) ... ok
test_folders (__main__.default) ... ok
test_freetype (__main__.default) ... <building and saving into cache> Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
[issue 324]
 <load build from cache> Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
[issue 324 case 2]
 <load build from cache> Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
[issue 324 case 3]
test_fs_base (__main__.default) ... ok
test_funcptr (__main__.default) ... ok
test_funcs (__main__.default) ... ok
test_gc (__main__.default) ... ok
test_gcc_unmangler (__main__.default) ... ok
test_getgep (__main__.default) ... ok
test_gethostbyname (__main__.default) ... ok
test_getloadavg (__main__.default) ... ok
test_globaldoubles (__main__.default) ... ok
test_globals (__main__.default) ... ok
test_hello_world (__main__.default) ... ok
test_i16_emcc_intrinsic (__main__.default) ... ok
test_i32_mul_precise (__main__.default) ... ok
test_i64 (__main__.default) ... ok
test_i64_7z (__main__.default) ... ok
test_i64_b (__main__.default) ... ok
test_i64_cmp (__main__.default) ... ok
test_i64_cmp2 (__main__.default) ... ok
test_i64_double (__main__.default) ... ok
test_i64_i16 (__main__.default) ... ok
test_i64_precise (__main__.default) ... Warning: Arithmetic on 64-bit integers in mode 1 is rounded and flaky, like mode 0!
test_i64_umul (__main__.default) ... ok
test_i64_zextneg (__main__.default) ... ok
test_if (__main__.default) ... ok
test_if_else (__main__.default) ... ok
test_indirectbr (__main__.default) ... ok
test_inet (__main__.default) ... ok
test_inherit (__main__.default) ... ok
test_inlinejs (__main__.default) ... ok
test_intentional_fault (__main__.default) ... ok
test_intvars (__main__.default) ... ok
test_iostream (__main__.default) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_isdigit_l (__main__.default) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_istream (__main__.default) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_jansson (__main__.default) ... ok
test_langinfo (__main__.default) ... ok
test_libcxx (__main__.default) ... ok
test_libgen (__main__.default) ... ok
test_lifetime (__main__.default) ... ok
test_linespecific (__main__.default) ... ok
test_linked_list (__main__.default) ... ok
test_llvmswitch (__main__.default) ... ok
test_longjmp (__main__.default) ... ok
test_loop (__main__.default) ... ok
test_lua (__main__.default) ... ok
test_mainenv (__main__.default) ... ok
test_mallocstruct (__main__.default) ... ok
test_math (__main__.default) ... ok
test_math_hyperbolic (__main__.default) ... ok
test_mathfuncptr (__main__.default) ... ok
test_memcpy (__main__.default) ... ok
test_memmove (__main__.default) ... ok
test_memorygrowth (__main__.default) ... ERROR
test_mmap (__main__.default) ... ok
test_mod_globalstruct (__main__.default) ... ok
test_multiply_defined_symbols (__main__.default) ... ok
test_nestedstructs (__main__.default) ... ok
test_newstruct (__main__.default) ... ok
test_openjpeg (__main__.default) ... <building and saving into cache> ERROR
test_pack (__main__.default) ... ok
test_parseInt (__main__.default) ... ok
test_pgo (__main__.default) ... ok
test_phiundef (__main__.default) ... ok
test_poll (__main__.default) ... ok
test_polymorph (__main__.default) ... ok
test_poppler (__main__.default) ... <load build from cache>  <building and saving into cache> Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
test_printf (__main__.default) ... ok
test_printf_types (__main__.default) ... ok
test_profiling (__main__.default) ... ok
test_ptrtoint (__main__.default) ... ok
test_pystruct (__main__.default) ... ok
test_python (__main__.default) ... Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
test_rand (__main__.default) ... <skipping: rand() is now random> ok
test_raytrace (__main__.default) ... <skipping: Relies on double value rounding, extremely sensitive> ok
test_readdir (__main__.default) ... ok
test_runtimelink (__main__.default) ... ok
test_safe_heap (__main__.default) ... <skipping: We need SAFE_HEAP to test SAFE_HEAP> ok
test_scriptaclass (__main__.default) ... ok
test_scriptaclass_2 (__main__.default) ... ok
test_segfault (__main__.default) ... 0
new D2()
test_sha1 (__main__.default) ... ok
test_sintvars (__main__.default) ... ok
test_sizeof (__main__.default) ... ok
test_sqlite (__main__.default) ... Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
test_sscanf (__main__.default) ... ok
test_sscanf_2 (__main__.default) ... ok
test_ssr (__main__.default) ... ok
test_stack (__main__.default) ... ok
test_stack_byval (__main__.default) ... ok
test_stack_varargs (__main__.default) ... ok
test_stack_void (__main__.default) ... ok
test_stat (__main__.default) ... ok
test_static_variable (__main__.default) ... ok
test_statics (__main__.default) ... ok
test_statvfs (__main__.default) ... ok
test_stdlibs (__main__.default) ... ok
test_stdvec (__main__.default) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_strcmp_uni (__main__.default) ... ok
test_strings (__main__.default) ... ok
test_strndup (__main__.default) ... ok
test_strstr (__main__.default) ... ok
test_strtod (__main__.default) ... ok
test_strtok (__main__.default) ... ok
test_structbyval (__main__.default) ... ok
test_structs (__main__.default) ... ok
test_sup (__main__.default) ... ok
test_systypes (__main__.default) ... ok
test_the_bullet (__main__.default) ... <building and saving into cache> ok
test_time (__main__.default) ... ok
test_tinyfuncstr (__main__.default) ... ok
test_transtrcase (__main__.default) ... ok
test_trickystring (__main__.default) ... ok
test_typed_exceptions (__main__.default) ... ok
test_typeid (__main__.default) ... ok
test_typeinfo (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unaligned (__main__.default) ... ok
test_uname (__main__.default) ... ok
test_uncaught_exception (__main__.default) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_unistd_access (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_close (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_confstr (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_curdir (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_dup (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_io (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_isatty (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_links (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_login (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_misc (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_pathconf (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_sleep (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_swab (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_sysconf (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_truncate (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_ttyname (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unistd_unlink (__main__.default) ... ok
test_unsigned (__main__.default) ... ok
test_utf (__main__.default) ... ok
test_utime (__main__.default) ... ok
test_varargs (__main__.default) ... ok
test_vprintf (__main__.default) ... ok
test_zlib (__main__.default) ... <building and saving into cache> ok
test_addr_of_stacked (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_alloca (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_alloca_stack (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_array2 (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_array2b (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_assert (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_atexit (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_atoX (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_atomic (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_autodebug (__main__.o1) ... Warning: Disabling SKIP_STACK_IN_SMALL because we are apparently processing autodebugger data
Warning: Disabling SKIP_STACK_IN_SMALL because we are apparently processing autodebugger data
test_bigarray (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_bitfields (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_bsearch (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_bswap (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_cases (__main__.o1) ... Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcast2'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/gepoverflow'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/loadbitcastgep'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phiself'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/issue_39'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/alignedunaligned'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/selectstruct'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phicubed'...
Warning: Disabling SKIP_STACK_IN_SMALL because we are apparently processing autodebugger data
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/extendedprecision'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/allocavartop'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/sillybitcast'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/longjmp_tiny'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/dash'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/inttoptr'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phinonexist'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/uadd_overflow'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/trace'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/ncurly'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcastdollar'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phientryimplicitmoar'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/emptystruct'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/frem'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/complexphi'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/ptrtoint_blockaddr'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/storestruct'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/unaligneddouble'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/ptrtoi64'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/quoted'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/subnums'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phientryimplicit'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/breakinthemiddle'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/unannotated'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phientryimplicitmix'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/i64toi8star'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcast'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/legalizer_ta2'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/funcptr'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/quotedlabel'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcast3'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/atomicrmw'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/invokebitcast'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/514_ta2'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/trunc'...
test_ccall (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_check_overflow (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_class (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_constglobalstructs (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_conststructs (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_copyop (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_ctype (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_cube2hash (__main__.o1) ... <load build from cache> ok
test_cube2md5 (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_cubescript (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_debug (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_direct_string_constant_usage (__main__.o1) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_dlfcn_alias (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_dlfcn_basic (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_dlfcn_data_and_fptr (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_dlfcn_qsort (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_dlfcn_varargs (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_dlmalloc (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_dynamic_cast (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_emptyclass (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_emscripten_api (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_env (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_errar (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_exceptions (__main__.o1) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_exit_status (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_fakestat (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_fannkuch (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_fasta (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_fcntl (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_fcntl_misc (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_fcntl_open (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_fgetc_unsigned (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_files (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_files_m (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_floatvars (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_folders (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_freetype (__main__.o1) ... <load build from cache> WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
[issue 324]
 <load build from cache> WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
[issue 324 case 2]
 <load build from cache> WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
[issue 324 case 3]
test_fs_base (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_funcptr (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_funcs (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_gc (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_gcc_unmangler (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_getgep (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_gethostbyname (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_getloadavg (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_globaldoubles (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_globals (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_hello_world (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_i16_emcc_intrinsic (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_i32_mul_precise (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_i64 (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_i64_7z (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_i64_b (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_i64_cmp (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_i64_cmp2 (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_i64_double (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_i64_i16 (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_i64_precise (__main__.o1) ... Warning: Arithmetic on 64-bit integers in mode 1 is rounded and flaky, like mode 0!
test_i64_umul (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_i64_zextneg (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_if (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_if_else (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_indirectbr (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_inet (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_inherit (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_inlinejs (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_intentional_fault (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_intvars (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_iostream (__main__.o1) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_isdigit_l (__main__.o1) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_istream (__main__.o1) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_jansson (__main__.o1) ... <skipping: jansson is not safe-heap safe> ok
test_langinfo (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_libcxx (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_libgen (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_lifetime (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_linespecific (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_linked_list (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_llvmswitch (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_longjmp (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_loop (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_lua (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_mainenv (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_mallocstruct (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_math (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_math_hyperbolic (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_mathfuncptr (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_memcpy (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_memmove (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_memorygrowth (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_mmap (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_mod_globalstruct (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_multiply_defined_symbols (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_nestedstructs (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_newstruct (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_openjpeg (__main__.o1) ... <building and saving into cache> ERROR
test_pack (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_parseInt (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_pgo (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_phiundef (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_poll (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_polymorph (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_poppler (__main__.o1) ... <load build from cache>  <load build from cache> WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
test_printf (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_printf_types (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_profiling (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_ptrtoint (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_pystruct (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_python (__main__.o1) ... Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
test_rand (__main__.o1) ... <skipping: rand() is now random> ok
test_raytrace (__main__.o1) ... <skipping: Relies on double value rounding, extremely sensitive> ok
test_readdir (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_runtimelink (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_safe_heap (__main__.o1) ... <skipping: It is ok to violate the load-store assumption with TA2> ok
test_scriptaclass (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_scriptaclass_2 (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_segfault (__main__.o1) ... 0
new D2()
test_sha1 (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_sintvars (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_sizeof (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_sqlite (__main__.o1) ... Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
test_sscanf (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_sscanf_2 (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_ssr (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_stack (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_stack_byval (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_stack_varargs (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_stack_void (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_stat (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_static_variable (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_statics (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_statvfs (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_stdlibs (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_stdvec (__main__.o1) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_strcmp_uni (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_strings (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_strndup (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_strstr (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_strtod (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_strtok (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_structbyval (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_structs (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_sup (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_systypes (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_the_bullet (__main__.o1) ... <load build from cache> ok
test_time (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_tinyfuncstr (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_transtrcase (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_trickystring (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_typed_exceptions (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_typeid (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_typeinfo (__main__.o1) ... <skipping: full LLVM opts optimize out all the code that uses the type> ok
test_unaligned (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_uname (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_uncaught_exception (__main__.o1) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_unistd_access (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_close (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_confstr (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_curdir (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_dup (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_io (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_isatty (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_links (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_login (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_misc (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_pathconf (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_sleep (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_swab (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_sysconf (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_truncate (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_ttyname (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unistd_unlink (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_unsigned (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_utf (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_utime (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_varargs (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_vprintf (__main__.o1) ... ok
test_zlib (__main__.o1) ... <load build from cache> ok
test_addr_of_stacked (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_alloca (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_alloca_stack (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_array2 (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_array2b (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_assert (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_atexit (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_atoX (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_atomic (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_autodebug (__main__.o2) ... Warning: Disabling SKIP_STACK_IN_SMALL because we are apparently processing autodebugger data
Warning: Disabling SKIP_STACK_IN_SMALL because we are apparently processing autodebugger data
test_bigarray (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_bitfields (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_bsearch (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_bswap (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_cases (__main__.o2) ... Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcast2'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/gepoverflow'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/loadbitcastgep'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phiself'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/issue_39'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/alignedunaligned'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/selectstruct'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phicubed'...
Warning: Disabling SKIP_STACK_IN_SMALL because we are apparently processing autodebugger data
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/extendedprecision'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/allocavartop'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/sillybitcast'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/longjmp_tiny'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/dash'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/inttoptr'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phinonexist'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/uadd_overflow'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/trace'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/ncurly'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcastdollar'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phientryimplicitmoar'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/emptystruct'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/frem'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/complexphi'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/ptrtoint_blockaddr'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/storestruct'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/unaligneddouble'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/ptrtoi64'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/quoted'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/subnums'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phientryimplicit'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/breakinthemiddle'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/unannotated'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phientryimplicitmix'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/i64toi8star'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcast'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/legalizer_ta2'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/funcptr'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/quotedlabel'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcast3'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/atomicrmw'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/invokebitcast'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/514_ta2'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/trunc'...
test_ccall (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_check_overflow (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_class (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_constglobalstructs (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_conststructs (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_copyop (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_ctype (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_cube2hash (__main__.o2) ... <load build from cache> ok
test_cube2md5 (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_cubescript (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_debug (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_direct_string_constant_usage (__main__.o2) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_dlfcn_alias (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_dlfcn_basic (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_dlfcn_data_and_fptr (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_dlfcn_qsort (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_dlfcn_varargs (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_dlmalloc (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_dynamic_cast (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_emptyclass (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_emscripten_api (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_env (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_errar (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_exceptions (__main__.o2) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_exit_status (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_fakestat (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_fannkuch (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_fasta (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_fcntl (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_fcntl_misc (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_fcntl_open (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_fgetc_unsigned (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_files (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_files_m (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_floatvars (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_folders (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_freetype (__main__.o2) ... <load build from cache> WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
[issue 324]
 <load build from cache> WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
[issue 324 case 2]
 <load build from cache> WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
[issue 324 case 3]
test_fs_base (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_funcptr (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_funcs (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_gc (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_gcc_unmangler (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_getgep (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_gethostbyname (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_getloadavg (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_globaldoubles (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_globals (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_hello_world (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_i16_emcc_intrinsic (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_i32_mul_precise (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_i64 (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_i64_7z (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_i64_b (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_i64_cmp (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_i64_cmp2 (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_i64_double (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_i64_i16 (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_i64_precise (__main__.o2) ... Warning: Arithmetic on 64-bit integers in mode 1 is rounded and flaky, like mode 0!
test_i64_umul (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_i64_zextneg (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_if (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_if_else (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_indirectbr (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_inet (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_inherit (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_inlinejs (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_intentional_fault (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_intvars (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_iostream (__main__.o2) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_isdigit_l (__main__.o2) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_istream (__main__.o2) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_jansson (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_langinfo (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_libcxx (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_libgen (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_lifetime (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_linespecific (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_linked_list (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_llvmswitch (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_longjmp (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_loop (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_lua (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_mainenv (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_mallocstruct (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_math (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_math_hyperbolic (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_mathfuncptr (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_memcpy (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_memmove (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_memorygrowth (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_mmap (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_mod_globalstruct (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_multiply_defined_symbols (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_nestedstructs (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_newstruct (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_openjpeg (__main__.o2) ... <building and saving into cache> ERROR
test_pack (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_parseInt (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_pgo (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_phiundef (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_poll (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_polymorph (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_poppler (__main__.o2) ... <load build from cache>  <load build from cache> WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
WARNING: While resolving call to function 'FTC_GNode_Compare' arguments were dropped!
Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
test_printf (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_printf_types (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_profiling (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_ptrtoint (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_pystruct (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_python (__main__.o2) ... Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
test_rand (__main__.o2) ... <skipping: rand() is now random> ok
test_raytrace (__main__.o2) ... <skipping: Relies on double value rounding, extremely sensitive> ok
test_readdir (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_runtimelink (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_safe_heap (__main__.o2) ... <skipping: We need SAFE_HEAP to test SAFE_HEAP> ok
test_scriptaclass (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_scriptaclass_2 (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_segfault (__main__.o2) ... 0
new D2()
test_sha1 (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_sintvars (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_sizeof (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_sqlite (__main__.o2) ... Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
test_sscanf (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_sscanf_2 (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_ssr (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_stack (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_stack_byval (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_stack_varargs (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_stack_void (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_stat (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_static_variable (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_statics (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_statvfs (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_stdlibs (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_stdvec (__main__.o2) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_strcmp_uni (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_strings (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_strndup (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_strstr (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_strtod (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_strtok (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_structbyval (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_structs (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_sup (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_systypes (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_the_bullet (__main__.o2) ... <load build from cache> ok
test_time (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_tinyfuncstr (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_transtrcase (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_trickystring (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_typed_exceptions (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_typeid (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_typeinfo (__main__.o2) ... <skipping: full LLVM opts optimize out all the code that uses the type> ok
test_unaligned (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_uname (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_uncaught_exception (__main__.o2) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_unistd_access (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_close (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_confstr (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_curdir (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_dup (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_io (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_isatty (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_links (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_login (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_misc (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_pathconf (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_sleep (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_swab (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_sysconf (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_truncate (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_ttyname (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unistd_unlink (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_unsigned (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_utf (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_utime (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_varargs (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_vprintf (__main__.o2) ... ok
test_zlib (__main__.o2) ... <load build from cache> ok
test_Os (__main__.other) ... ok
test_abspaths (__main__.other) ... ok
test_catch_undef (__main__.other) ... ok
test_conftest_s_flag_passing (__main__.other) ... ok
test_crunch (__main__.other) ... Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tools/", line 84, in <module>
    from shared import CRUNCH
ImportError: cannot import name CRUNCH
test_dup_o_in_a (__main__.other) ... ok
test_eliminator (__main__.other) ... ok
test_embed_file (__main__.other) ... ok
test_embed_file_dup (__main__.other) ... ok
test_embind (__main__.other) ... [] True
['--bind'] False
Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
['--bind', '-O1'] False
Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_emcc (__main__.other) ... ok
test_emconfig (__main__.other) ... ok
test_fix_closure (__main__.other) ... ok
test_identical_basenames (__main__.other) ... ok
test_js_libraries (__main__.other) ... ok
test_js_link (__main__.other) ... ok
test_js_optimizer (__main__.other) ... ok
test_l_link (__main__.other) ... emcc: warning: -I or -L of an absolute path encountered. If this is to a local system header/library, it may cause problems (local system files make sense for compiling natively on your system, but not necessarily to JavaScript)
test_link_s (__main__.other) ... ok
test_llvm_nativizer (__main__.other) ... bc => clean bc
bc => s
s => o
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:9: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `push'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:12: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `push'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:15: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `push'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:22: Error: bad register expression
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:24: Error: bad register expression
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:24: Error: register save offset not a multiple of 8
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:26: Error: bad register expression
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:30: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:39: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:45: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:48: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:52: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:56: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:59: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:68: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:77: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:86: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:92: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:103: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:112: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:115: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:118: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:120: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:123: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:132: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:140: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:146: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:153: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:162: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:164: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:166: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:168: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:171: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:177: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:183: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:187: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:191: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:196: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:203: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:206: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:209: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:216: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:220: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:234: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:237: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:246: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:254: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:259: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:264: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:270: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:275: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:280: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:286: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:291: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:296: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:302: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:307: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:310: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:313: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:317: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:320: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:323: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:331: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:335: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:340: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `call'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:343: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `pop'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:344: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `pop'
/tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.s:345: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `pop'
o => runnable
g++-4.6.real: error: /tmp/emscripten_test_other_oonI7s/files.o.o: No such file or directory
test_local_link (__main__.other) ... /usr/local/bin/llvm-dis: Invalid bitcode signature
test_m_mm (__main__.other) ... ok
test_main_a (__main__.other) ... ok
test_multidynamic_link (__main__.other) ... emcc: warning: -I or -L of an absolute path encountered. If this is to a local system header/library, it may cause problems (local system files make sense for compiling natively on your system, but not necessarily to JavaScript)
emcc: warning: -I or -L of an absolute path encountered. If this is to a local system header/library, it may cause problems (local system files make sense for compiling natively on your system, but not necessarily to JavaScript)
emcc: warning: -I or -L of an absolute path encountered. If this is to a local system header/library, it may cause problems (local system files make sense for compiling natively on your system, but not necessarily to JavaScript)
test_prepost (__main__.other) ... warning: run dependency added without ID
run() called, but dependencies remain, so not running
test_prepost2 (__main__.other) ... ok
test_prepre (__main__.other) ... ok
test_remove_duplicates (__main__.other) ... ok
test_runtimelink_multi (__main__.other) ... ok
test_scons (__main__.other) ... ERROR
test_sdl_endianness (__main__.other) ... ok
test_unaligned_memory (__main__.other) ... ok
test_warn_undefined (__main__.other) ... ok
test_addr_of_stacked (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_alloca (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_alloca_stack (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_array2 (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_array2b (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_assert (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_atexit (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_atoX (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: requires ta2> ok
test_atomic (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_autodebug (__main__.s_0_0) ... Warning: Disabling SKIP_STACK_IN_SMALL because we are apparently processing autodebugger data
Warning: Disabling SKIP_STACK_IN_SMALL because we are apparently processing autodebugger data
test_bigarray (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: need ta2 to compress type data on zeroinitializers> ok
test_bitfields (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_bsearch (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_bswap (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: needs ta2> ok
test_cases (__main__.s_0_0) ... Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcast2'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/gepoverflow'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/loadbitcastgep'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phiself'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/issue_39'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/alignedunaligned'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/selectstruct'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phicubed'...
Warning: Disabling SKIP_STACK_IN_SMALL because we are apparently processing autodebugger data
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/extendedprecision'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/allocavartop'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/sillybitcast'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/longjmp_tiny'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/dash'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/inttoptr'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phinonexist'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/uadd_overflow'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/trace'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/ncurly'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcastdollar'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phientryimplicitmoar'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/emptystruct'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/frem'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/complexphi'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/ptrtoint_blockaddr'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/storestruct'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/unaligneddouble'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/ptrtoi64'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/quoted'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/subnums'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phientryimplicit'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/breakinthemiddle'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/unannotated'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/phientryimplicitmix'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/i64toi8star'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcast'...
<skipping: case "/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/legalizer_ta2" only relevant for ta2> None
 Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/funcptr'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/quotedlabel'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/aliasbitcast3'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/atomicrmw'...
Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/invokebitcast'...
<skipping: case "/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/514_ta2" only relevant for ta2> None
 Testing case '/home/slu/Documents/kripken-emscripten-7d69359/tests/cases/trunc'...
test_ccall (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_check_overflow (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_class (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_constglobalstructs (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_conststructs (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_copyop (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_ctype (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_cube2hash (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: requires ta2 C-style memory aliasing> ok
test_cube2md5 (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: needs emcc> ok
test_cubescript (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_debug (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_direct_string_constant_usage (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: requires libcxx> ok
test_dlfcn_alias (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_dlfcn_basic (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_dlfcn_data_and_fptr (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_dlfcn_qsort (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_dlfcn_varargs (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_dlmalloc (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_dynamic_cast (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: need libcxxabi> ok
test_emptyclass (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_emscripten_api (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_env (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_errar (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_exceptions (__main__.s_0_0) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_exit_status (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_fakestat (__main__.s_0_0) ... Number of named fields must match the type for %struct.stat: possibly duplicate struct names. Cannot return structInfo
test_fannkuch (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_fasta (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_fcntl (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_fcntl_misc (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_fcntl_open (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_fgetc_unsigned (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: requires emcc> ok
test_files (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_files_m (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_floatvars (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_folders (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_freetype (__main__.s_0_0) ... <load build from cache> Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
[issue 324]
 <load build from cache> Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
[issue 324 case 2]
 <load build from cache> Warning: Casting a function pointer type to another with a different number of arguments. See more info in the compiler source
[issue 324 case 3]
test_fs_base (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_funcptr (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_funcs (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_gc (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: needs ta2> ok
test_gcc_unmangler (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_getgep (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_gethostbyname (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: assume t2 in gethostbyname> ok
test_getloadavg (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_globaldoubles (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_globals (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_hello_world (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_i16_emcc_intrinsic (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_i32_mul_precise (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: needs ta2> ok
test_i64 (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: i64 mode 1 requires ta2> ok
test_i64_7z (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: full i64 stuff only in ta2> ok
test_i64_b (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: full i64 stuff only in ta2> ok
test_i64_cmp (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: full i64 stuff only in ta2> ok
test_i64_cmp2 (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: full i64 stuff only in ta2> ok
test_i64_double (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: full i64 stuff only in ta2> ok
test_i64_i16 (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: full i64 stuff only in ta2> ok
test_i64_precise (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: full i64 stuff only in ta2> ok
test_i64_umul (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: full i64 stuff only in ta2> ok
test_i64_zextneg (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: full i64 stuff only in ta2> ok
test_if (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_if_else (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_indirectbr (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_inet (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_inherit (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_inlinejs (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_intentional_fault (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_intvars (__main__.s_0_0) ... Warning: Cannot correct overflows of this many bits: 64
test_iostream (__main__.s_0_0) ... Warning: .ll contains floating-point values with more than 64 bits. Faking values for them. If they are used, this will almost certainly break horribly!
test_isdigit_l (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: no libcxx inclusion without emcc> ok
test_istream (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: requires libcxx> ok
test_jansson (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: requires ta2> ok
test_langinfo (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_libcxx (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_libgen (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_lifetime (__main__.s_0_0) ... <skipping: test relies on emcc opts> ok
test_linespecific (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_linked_list (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_llvmswitch (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
test_longjmp (__main__.s_0_0) ... ok
kripken commented 11 years ago

I can't tell without the error messages from the tests (they print out after they all finish), but based on which failed, I would guess it is not a python issue.

unphased commented 11 years ago

Oh, it got cut off. Okay I will hash this out at a later time. Thanks for your help!