kripken / intensityengine

[Not active!] An open source platform for 3D games and virtual worlds
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[Client] Possible memory leak in Edit Mode #16

Closed RaXaR closed 14 years ago

RaXaR commented 14 years ago

Hi, I'm running Master Server, Server and Client on Vista 32

The client uses around 200MB of RAM when running around a map. As soon as I enter edit mode the usage jumps to around 500MB and keeps on climbing until the Client shuts down after a few minutes. I tried reloading the map, but the RAM usage stays at 500MB+.

BiosElement commented 14 years ago

I can reproduce this on kubuntu 9.10. It keeps climbing as long as I stay in edit mode, but after leaving edit mode it only continues for a few seconds and then stops climbing.

kripken commented 14 years ago

Turns out this was a bug in the HUD rendering code, and how it interacts with edit mode.

Fixed in commit ad2e579e28c0a11a3de6c6630201070f61bb0ffc

RaXaR commented 14 years ago

Hi Kripken, whatever you did it is now working MUCH better. However, the leak is definitely still present. It just climbs much slower. In normal mode it's increases at around 4kb/s and in Edit Mode it increases faster. I recompiled Master, Server and Client.

kripken commented 14 years ago

I experience no leaks on the maps I tested. Which are you testing on?

RaXaR commented 14 years ago

The default map, i that comes with the repository. I think it's called storming

kripken commented 14 years ago

Hmm, are you using an AMD graphics card? If so then this might be the issue (and the fix),

BiosElement commented 14 years ago

It still exists. I tested it on a Nvidia card. It's a much slower leak, but it's still there.

RaXaR commented 14 years ago

That patch seems to have worked for me. The memory usage stays around 110MB even when I enter/leave edit mode. Thanks

kripken commented 14 years ago

RaXaR: great.

BiosElement: Are you sure you are running the latest code? If so, then I need more details - OS, GPU, specific map, etc. etc.