kripken / xml.js

Port of libxml to JavaScript using Emscripten
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AVG virus alarm on windows #17

Closed sichvoge closed 7 years ago

sichvoge commented 7 years ago

We are using xmllint inside our RAML JS parser and people report that they have issues with Windows and AVG reporting a virus coming from this library. See

Anyone still working on this project who can have a look please?

sterpe commented 7 years ago

This library is just a js compile of xmllint via emscripten so...feels like the error is AVG's. I imagine there are no viruses in xmllint or in the output produced by emscripten. @kripken

I would file a bug with AVG.

sichvoge commented 7 years ago

OK thanks!

sichvoge commented 7 years ago

We reported the issue back to AVG. Closing this.