kripken / xml.js

Port of libxml to JavaScript using Emscripten
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Reduce xmllint to ~2MB #28

Open Programmierschmied opened 5 years ago

Programmierschmied commented 5 years ago


I just adjust some parameter in the scripts. Maybe you will like it. Webassembly isn't supported by every browser and won't needed anymore. --with-minimum will reduce xmllint to ~2MB.

kondr1 commented 4 years ago

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Module.intArrayFromString is not a function at Module.preRun (xml.js:17) at callRuntimeCallbacks (xml.js:17) at preRun (xml.js:17) at run (xml.js:31) at Object.xmllint.validateXML (xml.js:31) at CheckInterface.getInterface.then.xsd (VM240 add_interface.aspx:172)

Programmierschmied commented 4 years ago

Hello kondr1,

this is a general problem of the project. You have to define the function Module['intArrayFromString'] = intArrayFromString before run(); function in the bottom of file to fix it.