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Calculation of returns and statistics of solar panel per solar radiance factor #3

Open StefanHajdu opened 11 months ago

StefanHajdu commented 11 months ago

Solar Radiance plays importatnt factor in how much energy can any solar panel provide. Find sources of solar radiance statistics in slovakia, and calculate statistincs for each solar panel

StefanHajdu commented 11 months ago


def get_pvgis_tmy(latitude, longitude, outputformat='json', usehorizon=True,
                  userhorizon=None, startyear=None, endyear=None,
                  map_variables=True, url=URL, timeout=30):
    Get TMY data from PVGIS.

    For more information see the PVGIS [1]_ TMY tool documentation [2]_.

    latitude : float
        Latitude in degrees north
    longitude : float
        Longitude in degrees east
    outputformat : str, default 'json'
        Must be in ``['csv', 'basic', 'epw', 'json']``. See PVGIS TMY tool
        documentation [2]_ for more info.
    usehorizon : bool, default True
        include effects of horizon
    userhorizon : list of float, default None
        optional user specified elevation of horizon in degrees, at equally
        spaced azimuth clockwise from north, only valid if ``usehorizon`` is
        true, if ``usehorizon`` is true but ``userhorizon`` is ``None`` then
        PVGIS will calculate the horizon [3]_
    startyear : int, default None
        first year to calculate TMY
    endyear : int, default None
        last year to calculate TMY, must be at least 10 years from first year
    map_variables: bool, default True
        When true, renames columns of the Dataframe to pvlib variable names
        where applicable. See variable :const:`VARIABLE_MAP`.
    url : str, default: :const:`pvlib.iotools.pvgis.URL`
        base url of PVGIS API, append ``tmy`` to get TMY endpoint
    timeout : int, default 30
        time in seconds to wait for server response before timeout

    data : pandas.DataFrame
        the weather data
    months_selected : list
        TMY year for each month, ``None`` for basic and EPW
    inputs : dict
        the inputs, ``None`` for basic and EPW
    metadata : list or dict
        file metadata, ``None`` for basic

    The PVGIS website uses 10 years of data to generate the TMY, whereas the
    API accessed by this function defaults to using all available years. This
    means that the TMY returned by this function may not be identical to the
    one generated by the website. To replicate the website requests, specify
    the corresponding 10 year period using ``startyear`` and ``endyear``.
    Specifying ``endyear`` also avoids the TMY changing when new data becomes

        if the request response status is ``HTTP/1.1 400 BAD REQUEST``, then
        the error message in the response will be raised as an exception,
        otherwise raise whatever ``HTTP/1.1`` error occurred

    See Also

    .. [1] `PVGIS <>`_
    .. [2] `PVGIS TMY tool <>`_
    .. [3] `PVGIS horizon profile tool
    # use requests to format the query string by passing params dictionary
    params = {'lat': latitude, 'lon': longitude, 'outputformat': outputformat}
    # pvgis only likes 0 for False, and 1 for True, not strings, also the
    # default for usehorizon is already 1 (ie: True), so only set if False
    if not usehorizon:
        params['usehorizon'] = 0
    if userhorizon is not None:
        params['userhorizon'] = ','.join(str(x) for x in userhorizon)
    if startyear is not None:
        params['startyear'] = startyear
    if endyear is not None:
        params['endyear'] = endyear
    res = requests.get(url + 'tmy', params=params, timeout=timeout)
    # PVGIS returns really well formatted error messages in JSON for HTTP/1.1
    # 400 BAD REQUEST so try to return that if possible, otherwise raise the
    # HTTP/1.1 error caught by requests
    if not res.ok:
            err_msg = res.json()
        except Exception:
            raise requests.HTTPError(err_msg['message'])
    # initialize data to None in case API fails to respond to bad outputformat
    data = None, None, None, None
    if outputformat == 'json':
        src = res.json()
        data, months_selected, inputs, meta = _parse_pvgis_tmy_json(src)
    elif outputformat == 'csv':
        with io.BytesIO(res.content) as src:
            data, months_selected, inputs, meta = _parse_pvgis_tmy_csv(src)
    elif outputformat == 'basic':
        with io.BytesIO(res.content) as src:
            data, months_selected, inputs, meta = _parse_pvgis_tmy_basic(src)
    elif outputformat == 'epw':
        with io.StringIO(res.content.decode('utf-8')) as src:
            data, meta = parse_epw(src)
            months_selected, inputs = None, None
        # this line is never reached because if outputformat is not valid then
        # the response is HTTP/1.1 400 BAD REQUEST which is handled earlier

    if map_variables:
        data = data.rename(columns=VARIABLE_MAP)

    return data, months_selected, inputs, meta
kripso commented 11 months ago

@vikioza Use collected radiance data from mentor