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2022 Semester 2 Course Topics
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Use Astro to build a personal website #36

Open krp opened 1 year ago

krp commented 1 year ago

AnujDynamite commented 1 year ago

Started working on making a website through Astro Tutorial for Astro:

Bugsbugme commented 1 year ago

Started working on blog site with Astro.

QuentinGray commented 1 year ago

I had a working website with a html5up template but wanted to build something from the ground up with astro, so changed my working site over and have it connected to my github

krp commented 1 year ago

TODO: Learn how to combine separate Astro pages into a single page (e.g. like a base template)

QuentinGray commented 1 year ago

Finished tutorial, now working on customizing it to my use case during spare time.

Bugsbugme commented 1 year ago

Finished the tutorial: