kris-classes / restart

2022 Semester 2 Course Topics
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Build a social media platform using music api, fastapi, astro and python. #54

Open QuentinGray opened 1 year ago

QuentinGray commented 1 year ago

This is my main project, based around using beatport / soundcloud / spotify / youtube api, using that information and creating a social media platform around it and connecting that to astro as the frontend.

QuentinGray commented 1 year ago


QuentinGray commented 1 year ago

Gonna use staceys tutorial on fastapi as a starting point.

QuentinGray commented 1 year ago

Social Media Platform will be called MISO - Music Information Shared Openly

QuentinGray commented 1 year ago

Currently using SQLAlchemy toolkit as a ORM to make models for my database, and have a working post, had a bunch of troubleshooting to do but figured it all out, and continuing the rest of the basic foundation.