Open jhessin opened 4 years ago
This is being caused by Vim's markdown plugin which is including the html plugin at the start. You can view it by opening $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/markdown.vim
I was able to work around this by adding the following lines in ftplugin/html.vim just before setting the vimpipe_command variable.
if &filetype ==# 'markdown'
Hello, Firstly vim-pipe is awesome! It is super useful for all of my development. The only issue I am having is in trying to use ftplugin directory to manage my b:vimpipe_command.
It tends to work well in everything but my markdown files. Here are the relevant files:
Now when I load my file I would expect
to be "multimarkdown | lynx -dump -stdin" but it is actually just "lynx -dump -stdin" and that is what is run. I commented out the line in my html and it works fine then.I have checked and ":set filetype" returns markdown as expected.